Empowering Affirmations for Birth

When preparing for an empowering birth, inspiration is always wonderful. When birthing my last child, I visualized many different things. Beautiful, calm, intimate thoughts that helped me moan and sway through my contractions. I remember saying to myself when an intense wave would hit, “Yes!!!  I want this! This is bringing my baby to me.”

If you follow our Facebook page, you will know I love quotes. I recently posted some of my favorites. Many more have come to me lately that I adore and I want to share them with you. Use the ones that resonate with you for your upcoming birth. Inspiring quotes can be eye opening and healing.

birth affirmations

“Birth is as safe as life gets.” ~Harriette Hartigan

“Mothers need to know that their care and their choices won’t be compromised by birth politics.” ~Jennifer Rosenberg

“The best way to avoid a cesarean is to stay out of the hospital.” ~Brooke Sanders Purves

“Only with trust, faith, and support can the woman allow the birth experience to enlighten and empower her.” ~Claudia Lowe

“The need to pursue healthy birth options and birth rights for women and babies doesn’t end with our own births; for women will always birth after us.” ~Desirre Andrews

“I’ll quote my 3 yo daughter: ‘To give birth is like to poo. It hurts, you push and then you’re better’.” ~Nathalie Farquet Michaud

“Many women have described their experiences of childbirth as being associated with a spiritual uplifting, the power of which they have never previously been aware. To such a woman, childbirth is a monument of joy within her memory. She turns to it in thought to seek again an ecstasy which passed too soon.” ~Grantly Dick Read, Childbirth Without Fear

“Meconium happens.” ~Unknown

“If you lay down, the baby will never come out.” ~Native American saying

“The knowledge of how to give birth without outside interventions lies deep within each woman. Successful childbirth depends on the acceptance of the process.” ~Suzanne Arms

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop and look fear in the face.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt

“Childbirth provided the drama I craved, the thrill of peeking over the primal edge of creation, the rush of the unexpected.” ~Peggy Vincent, Baby Catcher

“My baby is healthy and innately knows when to begin labor. My body knows how to birth by instinct. My mind has released all fears and trusts birth. I am enjoying this process and growing through it all.” ~Mrs. BWF


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