Twins, Born with Their Own Head, Brain and Spinal Cord, but Share a Body

I recently came across this article about a Brazilian mother who birthed her twins by cesarean. Her twins were born with their own brains and spinal cords and sharing a body.

“Maria de Nazare, 23, gave birth to the twins by C-section at a hospital in Anajas, in Brazil’s northern Para state. She has named them Emanoel and Jesus because they are a Christmas miracle.”

These baby boys have their own names and are eating like champs.

“I want her (the mother) to understand that she does not have a monstrous son, a son with two heads, but she has two sons.”

She did not have any ultrasounds during pregnancy, so did not know about the twins condition until right before birth.

How would you feel in this situation?

Read the full article here.


  • MamaK

    looks difficult to nurse them at the same time. i wonder if both or who has control of what limbs, how they share organs, i.e. are there two entries into their belly and lungs? that would be so hard.

  • Christine

    Christmas miracle. One body with two souls. She is blessed with two true miracles which will come with twice the joy and some hardship. But her boys are beautiful and are not an accident. May God bless her and her family.

  • MissKatherineA

    wow – I am overwhelmed with emotion, how wonderful they are both so healthy! This is definitely a situation that makes me grateful for the advances in medicine that have been achieved. I hope these boys have access to excellent care as they grow and that they are able to live as full lives as humanly possible. If my twins had been born this way I would love them just as much if not more and be so full of fight to give them the best of care. Humans are capable of SO much, especially when it come to nurturing each other.

  • JessicaD

    I am sure it would be hard. It would sure a shock. But they are her babies. How could you not love them. It might take the wind out of your sails for a few days but give her a chance and she will be caring for them as if she’d been planning it this way.

  • christie

    it would certainly be a shock and take a bit to get used to, but i watched a documentary recently about some girls born this way and they are most definitely separate people despite sharing almost thier whole body! these girls had control of their half of the body and had to learn to work together in order to walk and do things the required 2 hands. its truly amazing 🙂

  • Kristin

    There is a set of girls like this, each controls one leg and one arm but they manage, they are around 20 now I think, there was a special on Discovery about how they were even getting their drivers licenses.
    They prove that anything is possible, they are some of the strongest individuals I have ever seen.

  • Cindy B

    It reminds me of Abby and Brittany Hensel that appeared on TLC a few years ago. I’m sure they will face some challenges ahead due to their uniqueness but glad they are healthy and hope they continue to bless their mom and all those around them.

  • Kathryn

    They are beautiful boys, just love them. That’s all you can do…. They would be a challenge to nurse however, would love to see how it’s done.

  • Kristina

    There’s a family with twin girls who are in their early twenties by now with the same challenge. There was a documentary done on them a few years ago. They are very well adjusted young women and take everything in stride it seems. This momma should reach out to that family if at all possible, I’m sure they would become fast friends.

  • Kellan

    While hard times are certainly ahead for this family, & the boys especially, they are going to be as strong as their family allows. They’re a true miracle & so adorable! I’d love to know which twin controls what, but that’s just plain curiosity. Keep bonding with those boys, mama!

  • Lana

    I would be overjoyed at the prospect of experiencing more love, trust and grace in my life than ever before. What earth angels they will be for all who surround them!

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