• Hospital Birth turned Emergency C-Section

    While my husband was away at basic training I was raising two sons, working and going to college full time. I had made the decision to not get an epidural with my third child due to the side effects I had the previous times. I was laboring from Friday to Monday. The hospital would not admit me because I was three days…

  • VBAC Plan Turns into a Healing Repeat C-Section

    I had a very traumatic cesarean section birth with my first son. He was induced at 39 weeks because of my rising blood pressure and labor progressed uneventfully. I had an epidural and got to the pushing stage, but he got stuck in my pelvis after pushing for 3 hours. I was terrified of the surgery but the doctors assured…

  • Logan’s Birth Story {Med-Free Hospital Birth}

    My husband and I had been through two early pregnancy losses before we found out I was expecting again. The early days of my pregnancy were full of fear and living with Hyperemesis Gravidarum, which meant weeks of endless nausea, vomiting, dehydration, IV treatments and needle pokes from a Zofran pump. Around 16 weeks that subsided, and at 20 weeks…

  • Wyatt’s Birth Story {Fast Birth Story}

    “This is the story of my middle child, Wyatt’s birth, as told via email September 2010. A treasured memory I will relive in my heart many times over. Many thanks for all you support & inspire!” -Kristin So, any of you that know me at all, know that the fact that i’m emailing you at 5:30 am could only mean one thing- BABY WYATT…

  • Birth Without Fear {It is Possible}

    Wednesday the 13th of February, I couldn’t sleep.  I went to bed at 9pm and I was straight back out at 9:30. I sat on the couch with Penelope and Shadow (fur children -dogs!), watching random stuff on TV and playing iPad bingo. At 12:30am, I felt a slight gush of liquid and I was a little suspicious. Thursday 14th…

  • Painfree Vaginal Birth {OP Position}

    A brief background: I am a midwife, it is a calling I have had for many years, and on my first day on the job I honestly felt like I had done it before. The work just comes so easy and naturally to me. I loved my job with a passion. Before I got pregnant (and whilst I was pregnant)…

  • My Fearless Birth {Home birth turned hospital}

    My wife, Jenny, and I tried for two years getting pregnant, so when we found out on our 2 year anniversary trip that I was pregnant we were more than excited! I had known since we started trying that I wanted a home birth. I educated myself as best I could. I started taking a Hypnobabies class, hired a midwife and…

  • Marc’s Birth Story {Born on Skype}

    In March 2011 my husband and I found out he would be going on his third tour of duty with the Alaskan National Guard to Afghanistan for 12 months. We had a one year old daughter named Karmyn at the time. In November 2011 he left for training in Indiana and he was able to come back for ten days over Christmas…

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