• Ordinary is Amazing, Even in Motherhood

    Motherhood is beautiful, worth it, amazing, the most joy you’ll ever know, and the most important work you’ll ever do. Isn’t that cliche? Yet it’s 100% true. It’s also hard. Really fucking hard. Some days you nail it. Meet all your expectations. Even the hardest ones. Perfect non-GMO all organic meals served in BPA-free bento boxes, activities with enough outside…

  • You Are Not Alone…Parenting is Wild!

    Many times, when dealing with annoying, hard, ridiculous days (or kids), parents think it’s just them. They may get embarrassed or frustrated because they feel they are the only ones going through this… or this… or even goodness forbid this… It makes you want to do this (hey, if they can do it, why can’t we?)… You are not the…

  • BWF Women Normalize Breastfeeding: Part 3

    I recently posted a blog post about normalizing breastfeeding and World Breastfeeding Week. I had so many submissions of breastfeeding pictures from BWF Mamas, that I decided to do a series of posts. Here is round 3. Breastfeeding isn’t ‘normal’ or ‘not normal’. It just is. It is how our bodies were made to feed our babies. Don’t get me…

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