• Born In The Caul {Photo Post}

    This means that the amniotic sac doesn’t rupture during the birth and that the head is born still covered in the membrane. It doesn’t happen very often even in natural births. And almost never happens in the hospital because the ‘water’ is so often broken unnaturally. Here are some photos of our son born in the caul. – Andrew

  • Hypnobabies Birth Center Birth Story

    March 5th: I still had no signs of labor starting.  No sign of a missing mucus plug or bloody show, the only thing happening was stronger braxton hicks over the last couple days.  Nothing worth noting.  Somewhere between 8-9 pm while I was sipping on my mama’s pregnancy tea, I started getting some stronger braxton hicks which I ignored since…

  • Born in the Caul

    Every once in a while, that special bag of waters that protectively surrounds our babies stays intact as baby comes earthside. Here are two example sent in from women in our BWF Community! A BWF Mama sent this photo of her baby birthing in the caul. She says, “My midwives did not intervene at all.  I was involuntarily pushing as…

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