“This beautiful family of 5 just became a family of 6! Labour was very fast and extremely powerful – but mummy was strong, empowered and courageous. A wonderful inspiration to her daughter who was present throughout and was the best little birthing assistant I’ve ever seen.
This birth was an amazing experience for me as a photographer for this was the first time I’ve attended a birth in Australia where not a word of English was spoken the entire time, yet I still understood everything. Just goes to show no matter where you come from or what language you speak – in birth we all speak the same language – LOVE!
The placenta image might be too much for Facebook… but I just love it so had to send. The blue tint is the refection from the blue birthing pool.” – Rebecca Colefax Photography
The midwife is the wonderful Anne from Precious Life Midwifery Service in Noosaville, Queensland.
simply magical!
Andrea von Schoening
What a beautiful birth! I love how present you were in the labour and the birth … a beautiful example of that power of women! Supportive Dads always touch my heart, and the beautiful daughter, nurturing her mother, well that just blew me away! I love it when families include the older siblings in a birth … that was so powerful for her to see … nobody will be telling her any stork stories! Thank you for sharing this amazing and sacred event!
Kate Carvey
Oh ♥, the sister pics made me cry, such a precious memory!
Krista Hogan
Kong Choon Yen
I just love to see the little girl cares her mom and the little baby. Thanks for sharing those beautiful photos.
reeja jose
truly beautiful……i have no words to describe the photos ….god bless this family
Rebecca Blech
I LOVE the placenta photo! Older sibling cutting the cord is a nice way to include them. Might think about it when it’s my next time in September…