My birth story begins well before we even conceived Ace. My sisters both had cesareans for various reasons. I began to question everything about birth and I knew I wanted something better for myself. After all our research we decided a homebirth with a midwife would be best. We planned to give birth at my husband’s mother’s house because our…
C-Section for High-Risk Twins
There are many aspects of my pregnancy which I did not share because I was scared to do so. I did not want to fall apart every time someone asked me about it. There were only a few people who knew what we were going through, not even all of our families knew. When I found out I was pregnant…
I Came Along, I Wrote A Song For You. {The Birth Story Of Sparrow}
We thank Rachel for returning to the BWF blog and sharing her second birth story with us. Her first birth story is here: Hypnobirth Water Birth Story with Gorgeous Pictures So, during my whole pregnancy I refused to tell anyone an official due date, because they mean nothing and everyone pesters you about going late. I said things like “Oh,…
Miracles Do Happen {HBAC Waterbirth}
Thank you Clara for sharing your story! I found out I was pregnant on April 3rd, 2012. This was a planned pregnancy, but I was nervous. I looked at my 4 thriving children and remembered back to their births. My first son was induced when I was 38 weeks, but was immediately whisked away after our first feed together because…
Fast HypnoBabies Birth {Drug-Free, Pain-Free}
“When I was pregnant with Siriana, I was like most of American society and saying, “I’m getting an epidural! I don’t want to feel anything!”. There’s this girl, Chelsey, that was 4 months ahead of me in her pregnancy and was planning an all natural childbirth; I loved reading her blog. It was so inspirational to me. The day finally…
Plus Sized Unassisted Home Water Birth
The last weeks of my pregnancy were kind of crazy. After a perfectly happy and uneventful pregnancy it majorly sucked to have to spend the last weeks trying to arrange a care provider after my midwife DROPPED ME for refusing an ultrasound to “check for IUGR” when there was no reason to suspect that the baby was having issues. At…
Homebirth of a Rainbow Baby
“My hope is that in sharing Jeremiah’s story, it will give someone hope or possibly inspire them to try whatever it is they want again. I hope that by sharing our struggle and joy, someone is inspired or given a little strength to try again.” – Ashley (previous Rainbow Baby story here: Letting Go of the Fear: A Natural Birth…
2 Sets of Twins, 16.5 Months Apart {IVF and VBAC}
Thank you to the mother who shares both her birth stories of her FOUR children. {Part 1} My husband and I knew we would need help conceiving. He had low sperm count, and I, well just didn’t ovulate. We met with a fertility doctor and I had the impression that we would be pregnant within a month or two and…
After Two Years TTC: Vaginal Birth of a Transverse Baby Repositioned With Help From Midwife
Josey shares the story of the conception and birth of her beautiful baby. “My husband and I were only 27 years old when we decided to try to conceive, and we had no reason to think that we would have any issues. Nearly two years later, Infertility had taken its toll on us – both on our relationship and on my faith in my body.…