• Together as a Family, Part I

    This is the first post in a five-part series about loss, healing and motherhood. Our story comes from Shannon, a photographer and mother in Brisbane, AU. Shannon’s story sent shivers down my spine when I first read it. It also put tears in my eyes. With three miscarriages and one healthy, full-term pregnancy, it is a story that can break…

  • My Story of PPD {Post Partum Depression}

    I am writing this from a very dark place in my life right now. I am hoping that by getting my story out there for people to hear, they might recognize post postpartum depression in themselves and get the help they need. ALL the help they need. -Amanda I have two beautiful children. My oldest, Evelyn, was born 2 years…

  • Why Should I Write My Birth Story?

    I am daily compelled by the siren call of birth stories. I read them late at night when I can’t sleep because I’m pregnant. I read them early in the morning when I need inspiration because I’m pregnant and my toddler’s favourite co-sleeping position is ‘H is for Hell’. I recount them to my husband, my friends, my colleagues, and…

  • Elle’s Birth Story {Awesome Caul Homebirth}

    [My first birth was posted here, and now I’ve completed my next birth story!] Nana arrived on our doorstep when I was 38 weeks pregnant. She wasn’t missing this birth like she did the first! Her plan was to stay for 2 weeks after the baby was born to help with our toddler (18mo) and the transition into life with…

  • Hello Aunt Flo {And Toxins?}

    Lets talk about PERIODS. Cycles. The Curse. Aunt Flo. Your Monthly Visitor. You know…that thing. The thing you were most likely taught to hide at all costs and were so afraid to be shamed about, be it from a stain on your pants to an “odor”, to hell…just being a woman. Now readers – this is going to get personal.…

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