• The Hopistal Birth of Iris

    My pregnancy with Iris was much more different than her big brother, Dominic’s. I had morning sickness for the entire first trimester. I never vomited, which I’m grateful for, but I was nauseous all day.  At 29 weeks, I started getting very crampy, almost like menstrual cramps. I called my OB and spoke to the triage nurse. She kept telling…

  • Induced Hospital Birth After 5 years TTC

    My name is Rebecca, I am 24 and my husband John and I tried to conceive for 5 years before our beautiful daughter Hannah Ruth Pender finally arrived 13 days late on the 10th January 2013 at 2.35pm after a 13 hour induced labour. From the moment I saw the very faint second line on the first of 7 (just to be sure) positive home pregnancy tests…

  • A Natural Hospital Waterbirth with 6th Baby

    Midway through my pregnancy with my 6th baby, I decided to make a huge jump from the midwives I knew to ones I did not. I had wanted a homebirth, but I knew with the proximity of the neighbors and how small our house was made for a birthing situation that would have been more stressful than relaxing. So I…

  • Simple Home Water Birth VBAC

    Miranda’s birth story has to start with some background information and a bit of her big brother’s story. We had planned an all-natural, drug-free hospital birth and had taken Bradley Classes when I was pregnant with Dustin. Unfortunately, the hospital staff didn’t like how slow my labor progressed and coerced us into interventions we never wanted. Because of all this,…

  • Born In The Caul {Photo Post}

    This means that the amniotic sac doesn’t rupture during the birth and that the head is born still covered in the membrane. It doesn’t happen very often even in natural births. And almost never happens in the hospital because the ‘water’ is so often broken unnaturally. Here are some photos of our son born in the caul. – Andrew

  • Surrogate Birth in Pictures

    “Labor was long, often times coming to a near halt. When baby finally arrived it was intense, there wasn’t a dry eye (including mine). I really felt honored to be a part of such a unique experience, there was just so much love in the room.” – Terah Pliley Photography Surrogate and her supportive husband – he was super awesome and…

  • Epic HBA2C After a Surrogacy

    The Prequel to the Sequel There are so many ways to begin the story of Osiris’ birth, whether that be by marking the arrival of contractions and prodromal labor, the arrival of my birth posse or possibly what kicked me into active labor, a handcrafted cheesy In & Out burger, fries and a beer. But what makes this birth story…

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