I spent my last week at work, my 37th week of pregnancy, revelling in the gentle tightening of my belly from Braxton Hicks and although I was so ready to meet you, I was hopeful that I would have a week of maternity leave to finish preparing our home before you arrived. Of course, it turned out to be many…
A Natural Hospital HypnoBirth in Western Australia
I was 40+4, ready and waiting for my baby to be born. I had lost my mucus plug at 40+2 and kept it in the fridge in a container because I was so excited. It had been a very hot week with temperatures in the high 30’s and low 40’s and I was feeling it! I had not had a…
Ianto’s life story {born still, but still born}
Thank you to Tenielle and Scott for allowing us to share Ianto’s life story and the precious memories you have of him. TRIGGER WARNING: This is a story of loss and stillbirth, with pictures. In February 2010, my world collapsed around me as I found out my baby, nicknamed “Smudge”, had died inside me at 32 weeks gestation. This is…
Amazing Breech VBAC {Fast hospital birth with pictures}
My first 2 babies were quick & easy induced vaginal births. My 3rd baby was delivered by caesarean section (in Jan 2011), as she was breech. A c/s was something I never wanted, yet the Drs insisted (via scaremongering crap) I have one due to her breech position. I was happy to go ahead with a vaginal breech birth (VBB),…
A Healing HypnoBirth {Natural Hospital VBAC In Australia}
The pregnancy My birthing journey started long before my labour. In fact, it started before my pregnancy. My first daughter, ‘Moosh’, was born via emergency cesarean after a long labour and traumatic set of circumstances. My grandfather (who I lived with for 15 years) passed away three days before my ‘due’ date, and surges started almost instantly. Six hours later my membranes…
Fast Hospital Birth in Australia
I was 18 when I gave birth to Ella. I had absolutely no idea about pregnancy or giving birth, I was terrified and very unprepared. I had a fairly quick drug free labour but spent the whole time in bed on my back, bub was in a bad position and had become stuck, I pushed for almost 3hrs before she…
Three Natural Births in Beautiful Australia
Michelle Powell from Bulli, NSW Australia, writes about the births of her three children: I had my first precious daughter Kalani totally drug free in the hospital just one hour after arriving, having laboured as long as possible at home for a few hours. I was so fortunate to be allowed into a midwifery group program here in Australia. It is…
Home Water Birth in Australia
Amy from Life With Soul shares the birth of her daughter Savannah Bronwyn, “…a terribly, terribly proud moment in my life when I took control of my body and family and did it my way. At home.” As she says, check out the slideshow and “Come back here and let me know if you made it without a hanky!” Click…