In March 2011 my husband and I found out he would be going on his third tour of duty with the Alaskan National Guard to Afghanistan for 12 months. We had a one year old daughter named Karmyn at the time. In November 2011 he left for training in Indiana and he was able to come back for ten days over Christmas…
A Beautiful Family Home Birth/Baby Caught by Grandmother {Graphic Emergence Photos}
I am so blessed with my children. They really have an amazing bond and as I try to tell Clara’s birth I realize that their bond started with the very first home they each occupied, my womb. I realize that much of what made Clara’s birth so amazing was what I learned from giving birth to Jesse, so I think…
Natural Birth: Mama’s Version (Papa’s posted yesterday!)
Yesterday, we shared Janna’s husband’s story of the birth of their son, Ethan. Today, you can read Janna’s own experience of it – and what it was like to have her husband’s support. “My water started to break around 9am. It trickled out now and then. The baby’s head was low so he blocked a lot of it from escaping.…
Natural Birth: Papa’s Version (Mama’s tomorrow!)
This birth story comes from two angles. Today, we share papa’s version of the events. Check back tomorrow to read it from mama’s perspective – and find out just what she was doing with the midwife while her hubby cleaned the car. “Janna came out of the bedroom at 9am. Saying she thought that her water broke but wasn’t sure. …
Welcome Caio {Costa Rica Water Birth}
Hello January, thank you so much for your blog and Facebook page – you are doing such important work. My son Caio was born at home in Sept 2011 in Costa Rica, this is our story. I would be honored if you would like to share it on your blog. I will include some photos that you are welcome to…
Mama Monitors Her Own Pitocin {Hospital Birth at 42 Weeks}
Kat L shares this beautiful birth story with us. The gown she wears is from Pretty Pushers: cute (and disposable!) alternatives to regular hospital gowns, and a BWF sponsor. My darling husband found a local childbirth educator who offered a 12 week class that was her own blend of Brio and Bradley. We went ahead and registered even though we…
I Am Strong {Adri}
I am strong because I labored for 45 hours and pushed for 2.5 hours in the comfort of my own home with my husband and midwives, only to be transferred to the hospital because of a swollen cervix. I am strong because the doctors considered me a ‘trauma patient’ in need of a c-section, and I calmly declined asking for…
The Birth of a Bus {Really}
This story is very personal to me. A little background as to why and then Charlie Rae’s story. I had heard about this bus on the Barefoot Birth facebook page but hadn’t read all of the details, and when I got to the bottom of this post, I gasped aloud! I KNOW HER! Well, actually I know her mom. I…
Birth Story of Ace {Homebirth Transfer to Cesarean}
My birth story begins well before we even conceived Ace. My sisters both had cesareans for various reasons. I began to question everything about birth and I knew I wanted something better for myself. After all our research we decided a homebirth with a midwife would be best. We planned to give birth at my husband’s mother’s house because our…