(Editor’s note: This birth story was originally posted on August 5, 2014.) I can still feel my heart drop. I can still feel how cold my feet went, as if they weren’t even part of my body anymore. I was 20 weeks pregnant. The ultrasound tech was swiping back and forth, from my left to my right, and in almost…
The 1st Birth Without Fear Conference in Australia!!!
Saturday May 26, 2018 was the first Birth Without Fear Conference in AUSTRALIA!!! It was a huge success and we can’t wait to come back!!! A post shared by Kayla Rees (@kayla_rees85) on May 26, 2018 at 8:03am PDT Birth without fear Conference today ❤😍👍#Homebirth #sydneyhomebirth #birthwithoutfear #januaryharshe A post shared by Homebirth Access Sydney (HAS) (@homebirthaccesssydney) on May 25,…
Not Quite the Plan or 100% the Plan? A Hospital Birth
My due date was January 22, 2017. We had planned so much more with this baby than we did our son. We prepared our son the best we could, I switched my doctor to midwives, we wrote a detailed birth plan, we hired a wonderful doula and toured a wing of the hospital called “The Birth Place” that is designated…
The Harshe Podcast – Episode #35: 5 things Your Doula Wants You To Know!
The Harshe Podcast welcomes its first guest! Tara Brooke from Doula Trainings International joins January to speak about the difference in parenting culture in Spain vs the US, racial disparity regarding birth in the US, the importance of making a postpartum plan, dealing with family after the birth, not being afraid to ask for help from family or your doula,…
Faith and Healing: A ‘Post Dates’ Home Birth After a Cesarean
(Editor’s note: this birth experience was originally posted on August 23, 2011.) To gain a little insight of why I had a C-section with my first born, I have it written down as a “vent” on my blog. It basically started out as one intervention cascading into a ball of interventions that led me to a transfer from a “Birth…
And Baby Makes 9 {HBA4C In Australia}
“I thought you might be interested in my HBA4C from last year. I have 9 children with 3 vaginal births, 4 cesareans, hospital VBA4C and a HBA4C. I’ve experienced many ups and downs during my labours and births. I am committed to sharing my birth stories to help give others strength and confidence that they CAN have control of their…
The Harshe Podcast – Episode #27: Facebook is NOT Life
January and Brandon discuss the reasons behind moving away from Facebook and all the negativity that comes from being on Facebook. January talks about how Facebook is like MySpace and Brandon suggest she try Tinder, Tumbler, and Periscope to fill the void. Also, Brandon says inappropriate husband stuff, as usual. Subscribe to the Harshe Podcast on iTunes! Subscribe to the…
2 Videos of Twins and Triplets Born Naturally!
When parents find out they are expecting twins, I can imagine the shock and joy that is experienced! After the initial emotions calm down, the questions begin. One of them may be, “Do twins mean automatic c-section?” The answer is simply, “No.” Here are some videos to show you that it can and is done. Inspiring to say the least!…
The Harshe Podcast – Episode #22: On The Way To The Airport!
This week’s episode is in the car on the way to the airport! January talks about inventing the Nut Juice Diet and her upcoming juice shenanigans with the TSA, Brandon talks about desert keggers in high school and Shitty Shipper Saturday & Sunday Sale, and January tries to “low key” put words into Brandon’s mouth. Also, they talk January’s crazy travel schedule and Beardbaby’s…