“Your inspiring stories empowered me to have a wonderful birth at home, I just want to share a photo or two with you. Westin was born 11.7.14 @345pm. He weighed 7.2 lbs. and was 20.75 in. Healthy baby boy. Thank you Birth Without Fear. May you know the impact you truly have on the empowerment of women.
One Woman’s Successful Frank Breech Vaginal Hospital Birth
Let me rewind a little bit…At 37 weeks, we found out via ultrasound that Everett was frank breech. We tried everything we could to turn him. Everything was totally unsuccessful in turning him. He was stubborn and comfortable in his breech position. Typically, a breech baby these days means a c-section. But I was being told by my midwives that I…
The Birth of Sicily Rose {Postpartum Hemorrhage, Vanishing Twin Syndrome}
Had it not been for your blog and all the amazing women behind the stories you share, I might not of had the courage to go through what I endured. But, looking back now, I made and I’m a stronger mother and women for it. This past February, we welcomed our second daughter, Sicily Rose to the world. I didn’t…
Finally, Relief! {A Painful Pregnancy, Spinal Injury}
This is Tammy’s story. May 13, 2011 (Friday the 13th), I picked up my two children from school, (ages 7 and 4) and was a block away from my home when I was in a terrible accident. I was rushed to the ER where they found I had a collapsed spine, and I underwent surgery. A few weeks later, I…
Margot’s Water Birth Story – Part I
It feels appropriate to say that my daughter Margot’s birth story started two days before she was born. It was early February 2013, and I was officially 40 weeks + 1 day overdue, lying on the table in a doctor’s office, with my midwife telling me that no, sorry, the baby hasn’t dropped yet, so you’re still only 2cms dilated,…
A Mother Will Overcome {I Am Strong}
A short and sweet story of a teenage mother, or just a mother, this is Jada’s story: I am strong because I found out I was pregnant at 17, two months into a relationship, and decided then to keep the baby. I am strong because I decided to end the relationship, because I wasn’t happy anymore. I am strong because…
10 Tips to Plan a Mother’s Blessing
A Blessingway is a sacred pre-birth ceremony that has traditionally been performed by Navajo people, and celebrates a woman’s rite of passage into motherhood. Today, a gathering known as a ‘Mother Blessing’ is gaining popularity in North America. Unlike a traditional baby shower where the focus is on gifts, a Mother Blessing puts the focus back on nurturing the woman. A…
Prepping for Your Home Birth Without Fear {The Ultimate List}
One of the most common questions about homebirth from those considering it is, “What do you need?” While the list of supplies varies from midwife to midwife, there are some basic things that almost everyone is going to need to gather in preparation for the birth. There will also be things you will (probably) want to do for your comfort…
My Fearless Birth {Home birth turned hospital}
My wife, Jenny, and I tried for two years getting pregnant, so when we found out on our 2 year anniversary trip that I was pregnant we were more than excited! I had known since we started trying that I wanted a home birth. I educated myself as best I could. I started taking a Hypnobabies class, hired a midwife and…