• How a Loss Healed Me

    This begins 12 years ago when I was 20. I was carrying a child I knew I couldn’t raise, so I opted for adoption. Her parents are fantastic people and we were lucky to have them in a position to come witness her birth. We thought H would be a boy, actually, but she surprised us, and from all accounts,…

  • I Am Wholly Here: The Healing Water Birth of Finn

    There was a moment, just before Ellie reached a gloved hand inside of me, that I wondered if I was cheating. If my body was incapable of truly beginning labor on its own. 6 centimeters dilated, completely effaced, 42 weeks with him in my womb. I ached to feel the natural progression of things – the dance of intensifying rushes…

  • Educated & Empowered: A Home Water Birth

    My birth story begins a few years before my son was even conceived! While my husband, Jeff, and I were dating we discussed children multiple times. We both knew that we wanted to have kids but I remember clearly telling him that I thought I wanted to adopt since my fear of childbirth was too big. My husband is adopted…

  • Labor in the Shower, Babywearing, & Anxiety is a Liar

    In case you missed our Instagram this past week… Oh my goodness, this moment is everything! Mama emotions, her baby on his way to her chest, her best friend (behind) and her husband (to the right) celebrating. Wow. ❤ Incredible moment captured by @zuralagardebirth. _ P.S. if you didn’t see: @findyourvillage Calgary, Ottawa, Indianapolis, New Jersey, and Stillwater Oklahoma are…

  • Harry Potter, Zumba, & a Home Water Birth

    In December, I got to shoot my very first birth session. Let me start by saying—nothing in the world can prepare you for something like that! The birth was set up to be an at-home, water birth. And, boy, I did my research. I read articles on what to expect when birthing at home, the process of having a water…

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