Originally written 10/29/2010. With my first child, I knew I wanted a natural birth. I chose the local birth center and hired the team of midwives. I attended my regular appointments and the birth classes they offered. Starting around 30 weeks I questioned the position of my baby. I asked three of the midwives at three different appointments if they…
Breech Baby Turned with Webster Technique
With my first son I had extremely high blood pressure and had to be induced which ended up in an epidural and ventouse (vacuum) delivery with tubes coming out of everywhere. It was very medical and my son was taken to NICU immediately because of birth trauma. It was extremely difficult to be away from him for the first two…
How the Webster Technique Can Help You Birth Without Fear
For many women, pregnancy can be a very uncomfortable experience. First, there are the initial hormonal changes and morning sickness; the feeling of being on an emotional roller-coaster for no good reason whatsoever and the unusual food cravings at all hours of the day (such as early, early morning Jack-in-the-Box taco runs for those husbands keeping track). Next come the…
How To Avoid An Unnecessary Cesarean Section
Our BWF Community is a diverse group of women with different birthing experiences. Midwives, doulas, mothers who have birthed only at home, others who have had cesareans, VBAC’s, natural or medicated hospital births. Women have valuable information and support to offer one another. I recently asked the BWF Mamas how to avoid a c-section and here are the top answers.…