• Natural Breech Birth at Home

    Jessica Winquist shares the story of her daughter’s breech birth – a beautiful, natural birth at home.  At my 32-week check, my midwife, Sarah*, found the Cub (our nickname for the baby-to-be) to be breech. We were planning a home birth in New York City, and New York State home birth regulations prohibit breech home births. Also, a C-section for…

  • D-MER {No, You Are Not Crazy}

    We all hear about the joys of breastfeeding. The bonding, the flow of love hormones, and the feeling of accomplishment that often comes to mothers upon reaching goals. Breastfeeding can be tough the first weeks of your baby’s life (or longer), but after that it is smooth sailing right? This promise of positive emotional connections to breastfeeding is true for…

  • A Fast Hospital Birth with a Doula and Nurse

    I am a military wife who had high expectations for my second labor and delivery after a not-so-great experience of an induction (selfishly chosen) with my first baby at 40 weeks. I chose to be induced the first time on my EDD so that my husband could be there for it, as he was leaving for 5 months of training.…

  • Accidental Unassisted Birth of 4th Child

    My name is Lara Carlos, I am a Doula, Childbirth Educator, Placenta Encapsulation Specialist, mama to four amazing babies and the wife of an acupuncturist.  I am also the co-founder for The Barefoot Mamas‘ Network and working to take my network national. I recently had an amazing birth experience of my fourth baby. I believe that children pick their parents before they…

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