Contests are always fun and people love winning stuff, right?! Here’s the deal. Leave a comment guessing when mini-BWF will be born including the day and time. Also, guess if we are having a boy or girl and how much s(he) will weigh. The top 3 closest guessers win a donated prize!
Some info to help you in your ‘educated’ guess.
- My babies are born between 42-44 weeks (so far).
- My given estimated due date is…..drumroll please……February 15th (first time I’ve shared that!!!).
- We have 3 girls and 1 boy.
- Our babies have been between 6-9 lbs.
- They are usually birthed in the early morning hours.
The TOP THREE closest guessers will win one of these awesome donated prizes (the closest winner chooses first and so on):
- One Earth Mama Angel Baby Postpartum Bath Herbs donated by Bethany.
- A $25 gift certificate for custom designed photo birth announcements donated by Summer with Mommas Heart.
- A newborn fitted diaper from Made With Love. Winner picks gender of print and Kiera will pick the print.
- Dee is willing to donate one of her awesome homemade items from her website, Fyrestorm Creations. Winner can chose from one item from the following: breast feeding pendant, Belly markers in knit or crochet, belly or uterus pendant,belly or uterus earrings, fertility pendant or a newborn booby hat!
- Prenatal or post partum nutrition counseling consultation with Mary Siever, NCP/OHP, Whole Health Nutritional Consulting
So go leave a comment with your best guess now!!!
*The mama in the photo is Shannon Gilmore Greika and the talented photographer is Kari with Portraits by Kari.
Jen C.
March 1
7lbs. 6 oz.
Ashley Langlois
I am going to say March 2nd, girl, 7.6 lbs and born at 8:45 am 🙂
February 21 @ 11:11 am, 9lbs 1oz, Boy
Sweet little girl, born March 1st, at 1:10am, weighing 7lb 8oz:)
Boy, 8lbs 9oz, Feb 27th @ 3:30am
My vote is March 1st, 5:30 am, and 7 lbs and 3 ozs, happy birthing mama!
Oh and I think it will be a girl 🙂
I am guessing baby girl, March 1st, 11:11am, 8lbs 14oz.
And Professor Plum in the kitchen with the wrench. Oh wait, we aren’t playing that game. Nevermind. Just the first one, then. 🙂
Boy, 8.3, feb 21, 2011 at 1:55 AM
Girl – feb 27 3:11am after a very empowering labour a wonderful birth!
Kaia Mireles
Hmm…This is a toughie.
I’m thinking March 9th at 3:30 am. Baby will be a boy and be around 8 pounds 10 ounces. 🙂 And you will be ecstatic and surrounded by your family. Will Mr. BWF take pictures? Probably.
2nd March 2011, 4:35am, Boy, 7lb 9oz
Baby Boy
February 18th @ 4:36am
7lbs 7oz
What a nice surprise whatever the stats end up being. Enjoy the journey!
Amanda Morrison
I guess … a baby boy born on Feb 26
At 5:20am weighing in at 7 pounds 13 oz
My baby will be turning a year old on Feb
13 th (wow time flys!!!!) My EDD was Feb 22
She was born at 2:53 pm & weighed 6lbs 1oz
I always thought she would be born on the
26th… so I’m using that day for you!
Good luck with everything !!
Joey Roberts
My son was born Feb 13th at 1o:33 8lbs 14oz dd was feb 23rd. 🙂
Mummy of 5
March 10th
7pound 80z..
Good Luck Mamma!!
Girl 8lb 3oz born March 5th at 4:43 am
Clarissa Stockwell
March 3, boy, 7:00 pm, 9 lbs 4 oz
Good luck 🙂
Im gonna guess that its a girl, born Feb 27th around 9:30 in the morning weighing 7 lbs 8 oz 🙂
I’m so excited for you, this is getting me excited for the birth of my first around the end of April begining of May 🙂
Im going to say boy, 8lb 4 oz and Feb 13 so you and your hubby can enjoy valentines day with your new little one 🙂
oh and 7:34 am… forgot the time sorry
7lb 6oz
February 18th
born 9.00pm
I think you will have a girl
7lb 120z
on the 3rd of March at 1.20am
Congrats… your due date is close to mine and I ususally birth early so we might have babies at the same time 😀
Boy, Feb 28th, 4:16am, 8lb 14oz
I will say boy on Feb 28 at 5am weighing 8lbs 3oz. 🙂
My daughter was born on February 15th almost 3 years ago! So I’m using her stats!
Baby Girl – 7 lbs 3 oz – 12:32 pm – 2/15/11
March 3rd
after 4am, before 6am
8 12
March 4 (my son’s birth day so I know it’s a good day to be born!), 2:53 am, beautiful girl weighing 8 lbs 2 oz. All the best to you & your family in the coming months!
Laura Robinson
My guess is:
Girl, born on Feb. 24th at 5:30am weighing in at 7lbs 11oz.
Best wishes to you, enjoy the rest of your pregnancy!
born feb 26th 2011 @ 10:30 am
weighing: 9 lbs 4 oz
Baby boy, born March 5th, at 10:49 pm, weighing 9 lbs even.
Mary Bennefield
A healthy 8lb 3oz Male born on March 6, 2011 @ 0337a 🙂
I’m going to guess you will have a beautiful baby boy on March 11th at 3:30Am and he will weigh 7lbs 12oz
Good luck with the birth, our first is due on March 19th 🙂 We are planning a homebirth and can’t wait to meet them and find out if they are a boy or girl! I think it is so neat you are doing a UC!
Girl, 7.9, March 3rd, 7:13 am
Joan Allen
I’m going to guess…A girl…born on February 14th….7lbs 2 oz!
A 9 lb even baby boy at 6:30 am on Feb 14th
Girl on Feb 28, 2011 at 3:34am weighing 7lbs 7oz!
Tara Schmude
I’m going to guess….February 27…830am. Boy. 8lbs 7 ozs. 🙂
Shannon Spurgeon
My guess is Feb 9th
and 8lbs 12oz
have a wonderful birth!
Speaking as a mother of ten children, my fifth baby did everything differently from the rest. So I’m gonna go with that for my prediction.
Your baby is a boy. He’s going to be born on February 2 around 9pm. He will weigh between 6 pounds, 12 ounces and 7 pounds, 3 ounces.
Laurie McClure
Girl on Feb. 22, 2011 at 2:11 p.m. weighing 8 lbs. 2 oz.
My guess is:
Feb 28, 12:12 p.m.
8lb 11oz
Looking forward to hearing your news! Go get em, mama! 😉
my guess:
a beautiful boy
born on 22 Feb
at 1:51am
weighing in at 8lbs 4.5oz
after a quick, painless, beautiful birth!
may you be as the Hebrew (chosen) women of Exodus 1:19-20
Be Blessed!
Sherry Black
Boy, Feb 21, 4:09 AM. 8# 10 oz
i’m gonna say a girl on (my daughter’s birthday!) march 8 at 7:30 in the morning with the sunrise. sweet princess will weigh 8 lbs on the dot. <3
in any case, it'll be beautiful and perfect for you! enjoy it!
Lindsay Fields
My guess:
Born Feb 23
at 6:30am
weighing 7lb 8oz
Feb. 25th
8:16 am
7lbs 8.5oz
feb 26th
5:27 am
my due date is feb 15th but i think i will go later considering this is my first attempt at a natural birth! hba3c it is!
forgot to add weight LOL 8lbs 7oz
I guess girl
8 lbs 7 oz
Feb 23 at 3 13 am
Lauren M
My guess is…
A precious baby boy born on February 25 at 1:38am weighing 8 lbs 10 oz
Good luck and congrats! What a fun little game 🙂
Tammy mendoza
February 24 @ 8 42am and boy.
Tammy mendoza
Sorry. Forgot the weight.. 7.13 is my guess and 19.5 inch long for good measure 🙂
Layla M
Feb. 12, 7:10 am
8 lbs 14 oz