Recommended Reading
- “Why not formula?” | Choosing Donor Breast Milk Over Artificial Milk
- A 45 Minute Home Water Birth
- Infertility, Homebirth, Tongue Tie {I Am Strong}
- Long Labor Ends with Beautiful HBAC
- A Natural Hospital Birth {After a Previous Medicated Hospital Birth}
- A VBA2C Home Birth Transfer to Hospital, Waters Broken and Stall in Labor
- Undisturbed Birth is Safe Birth
- Finally! It’s Over! A Birth Story.
- A Father’s Gift
- Kissing During Labor to Reduce Anxiety and Increase Oxytocin
Andrea Crossman
Thank you for reprinting this from my blog, I made this beautiful quote into word art to support one of the mothers I was working with just about a year ago.
Be well & good birth wishes,
Andrea Crossman, RN
I read this yesterday and thought of you.
Mrs. BWF
I will check it out. Thank you!