*It is not advised to freebirth at home. If you choose to have an unassisted birth, be prepared and have back up plans. Unassisted birth can be wonderful, but is not a safe option for everyone. ~Mrs. BWF
This video is incredible and I’ll tell you why. I could absolutely relate to the raw intensity and “Oh my God” feeling this mom had. That moment when you are completely stretched open and baby is descending is the craziest experience. You have absolutely no control over anything except how you react. When the feeling is at its most intense, the next thing you know, you are holding your precious newborn baby.
(There is a little language right after baby is born.)
“It’s SO AMAZING to see so many women educating and informing themselves as to what birth should be. We are so happy that we were able to find the knowledge that we did to make an informed decision and have a natural birth with our 3rd child. What a difference not being induced artificially makes!!! It’s about time women take their power back and start birthing the way nature intended!!!! Thank you for your site and information- I am proud to be a part of it.” ~Savannah
Ashley Renee
This is a beautiful video! I can so relate to how she was just prior to the birth with not realy knowing what to do with her hands, it’s such an intense moment that you don’t really know what to do with yourself. At least I didn’t!
Beautiful baby & birth!
Wow is all I can say. Very real. Beautiful.
Oh my goodness. I had tears of happiness for this lady. Her reaction after the baby is out is just amazing. What a feeling!
Natasha Hall
Thanks for sharing! Absolutely amazing 🙂
awww! Made me cry!! So sweet!!
I still bawl after watching it about 20+ times! Honestly one of the most amazing, calm birth videos ive ever seen. Im planning a vba2c with number 3 and this has definatley inspired me to have a homebirth! Just beautiful xx
Beautiful Birth. So natural. So healthy. I am awaiting my little bub to be born and pray that our birth will be as calm!
Gorgeous video. One question though.. was the brownish fluid that came out when the baby was born blood or meconium stained amniotic fluid? it was hard to tell.
It looked like the baby pooped just a little as it was born, which is really normal. The term is “Terminal Meconium”.
Samantha Bice
So wonderful. I cried. I remember that feeling…at that moment I turned into a birth junkie…no turning back. Birth is my “drug” of choice. Never in my life has something been so intense and wonderful…you can tell that this mom had that feeling too. Homebirth is a powerful thing.
Where did the video go?
Nevermind, found it 🙂