The Mother is an international natural parenting magazine that touches on fertility awareness, conscious conception, peaceful pregnancy, sacred birth, full term breastfeeding, natural immunity and attachment parenting.
Over the past ten years, The Mother magazine has broken new ground in the developing holistic parent market: publishing cutting-edge articles written by passionate and experienced contributors, and read in over 40 countries worldwide.
Every aspect of natural parenting is explored, from conscious conception, peaceful pregnancy, gentle childbirth, full term breastfeeding, natural immunity, attachment parenting and the first few years of childhood, through to education, parenting teenagers and parenting one’s self.
I love what The Mother is doing, the information they have to offer and the simplicity of an actual magazine I can hold in my hands is refreshing! So, I asked them if they would be willing to do a giveaway for Birth Without Fear’s readers. They were more than happy to fulfill my request.
They are offering 10 free magazines to 10 lucky winners! (One magazine per person.)
You simply must do the following 3 steps:
1. Share this or any other Birth Without Fear blog post
2. Go ‘like’ The Mother magazine on Facebook
3. Come back to this blog post and leave a comment letting us know you did both
That’s it! Good luck!
*One entry per person. Begins Monday, June 25th and ends Friday, June 29th. Winners to be announced by Saturday, June 30th and will be picked by a random drawing. This is an international giveaway.
🙂 Have shared a couple of your blog posts on Twitter and ‘liked’ The Mother on Facebook 🙂
Ashley Brower
Oh what a lovely give-a-way! I’m very interested in the magazine, I’ve heard wonderful things… Hubby calls this “style” parenting plain old common sense but a magazine full of support is always nice! 🙂
Thanks for hosting the give-a-way and thanks to The Mother Magazine!!
(I shared and already “like” The Mother magazine on FB)
Holly S
Done and done! I would *love* to win one! 🙂
I liked mother mag and shared the post about mother’s choices being stripped away.
I shared the one from The Mother Magazine from today. It was good for me today, since I was getting some of those “Don’t you have ANY control over your children?!” looks at the laundromat. Sheesh!
I shared and I already “Liked” The Mother Magazine.
shared this blog post with other mothers on my wall and mothers to be and liked the mother magazine on facebook, which is another great parenting site on facebook:) thanks
Shared and liked! Now ready to LOVE this magazine! 😀
jessie jo
I have shared and liked. . . super interested in the results! Have a peaceful day everyone! 😉
What an awesome give-away! I’d love to have my hands on this resource. 🙂 I liked The Mother Megazine on FB and shared the VBAC birth story about baby Angus being born in the caul. Thank you so much!!
I have “liked” The Mother Magazine on Facebook and have shared your competition blog post. Both Birth Without Fear and The Mother Magazine are greatly helping me to prepare and become ready for the experience of birth and motherhood in a few years times. Thank you Amy xxx
Shared the “one of those hard motherhood days” post…so apt today…and like The Mother too.
Mrs H
VERY excited!! I passed the link along and more than happy to do so!!! Liked the page on Facebook – excited cause I have not heard of this magazine before!!! Can’t wait!!!
Tyler B.
Done and done…and done 🙂 I would love to win this! Subscriptions are the first thing to go when money is tight.
I’ve liked “The Mother” on FB, and I’ve shared this blog post. I really enjoy this blog!
Dee Wilcox
Although I had already “liked” both your pages, I posted about each on my fb wall. I mention these ites when referring friends all the time. I love The Mother Magazine and the Birth Without Fear blog. Thank you both for all of the wonderful information you gather for the ease and enjoyment and knowledge of your loyal readers <3 thank you for this opportunity!
Did both 🙂 Thanks for hosting such an awesome give-a-way!
Michelle S
I already liked The Mother on FB and have shared a couple of BWF blog posts, but today I posted the blog about the military dad arriving just in time to be there for the birth!
Brooke F
I did it – and I hope I win! Love the blog. Love the magazine (:
Tanya Greene Romenesko
Liked already and shared 🙂
Loren S
Done and done! What a wonderful resource! I would love to try out a copy…always looking for new-to-me information!
Heather Webb
Liked on FB and shared on Twitter! 😀
LOVE THIS GIVEAWAY!!! I already liked Mothering magazine and share lots of posts. This would be very helpful to me since I’m the odd one out for being the super crunchy attachment parent.
Melanie rule
Done & dusted. Thank you for raising awareness of natural pregnancy & birth amongst other things. As a student midwife planning to become a private homebirth midwife it’s nice to see the true spirit of birth being kept alive
Done and done 🙂 Already like you both and shared!
Ryanne Batey
So excited for this giveaway! Birth Without Fear is a resource I love telling my doula clients about and (often share stories with my clients and friends) was happy ‘Like” Mothering Magazine.
Win or lose, I’m always happy to support great resources for expecting parents… Thanks!
Rachael Van Sickle
I did them. Love this magazine! thanks for the give away!
Tiffany Titsworth
Shared this on facebook and “liked” the mother magazine on Facebook! Really want to win this one!!!!!!!!!!
Kyra Sewell
Done, and done <3 I would LOVE to win one!
Jessica S
I shared the giveaway post and liked the page! Fingers crossed!!! 😀
Shared this blog post and ‘liked’ The Mother on Facebook! 🙂
done and done (both liked and shared that is!). Birth without Fear helped me make it through the rough patches of my pregnancy and with my belief that birthing natural at a hospital was ok and was my right. It helped me to trust my instincts through the process of birthing my lovely baby boy!
katie hart
I’ve shared and liked ! Crossing my fingers !
I share BWF almost daily! I did both. 🙂 This would be a great b-day present for me. (July 1st). Crossing my fingers!!!
Found this on Facebook–shared it and “liked” The Mother magazine. 🙂
Looks like great stuff, I will continue to follow/read the posts whether I win anything or not 😀
Kim Hughes
Have shared link and liked mother magaizine on fb. Hope I’m a winner!!!!!!
I have shared some of your links and I have “liked” the Mother Magazine’s fb page. Thanks!
Shared and Liked! Thanks for the opportunity to win!!!
Have completed the steps for entry! This sounds like an awesome magazine!
“The Mother” Liked & “Birth w/o Fear” Shared! 🙂
Shared and liked! Thanks for setting this up, this mag is hard to find and this is a great opportunity for some lucky mama!
Jaclyn Reynolds
I shared an article on twitter and am a fb fan- Jaclyn Reynolds
I did both!
Megg J.
shared and liked! I have never heard of this magazine before but it sounds A-MAZ-ING!
amanda davis
Done 🙂
kristen johansen
I will post it to my Doula facebook as well. Shared and liked.
I shared this blog post on FB and I am already a The Mother follower. Thanks so much for the chance!
I shared the fun breastfeeding pic article and like the magazine. 🙂
Done and done. 🙂 I’d love to win this!
Denise Stricklind
I shared, liked, and now posting a comment:)