Hi my name is Bailey, I am 22 year old new mother. Here is my story:
I am strong because I have struggled with anxiety, depression and addiction since I was a teenager. I am strong because I can admit that.
I am strong because when I found out I was pregnant at 21 years old nothing else mattered. Every nasty habit, addiction and person in my life faded away.
I am strong because when my parents found out I was pregnant they told me I needed to put my baby up for adoption. I refused, I believed in myself when no one else did.
I am strong because I struggled through crippling morning sickness and heartburn everyday. I never missed a single day of work though, just to provide for my family to be. My fiance and I are strong because we made it through most of my pregnancy without the support or guidance of our families.
I am strong because when my Mother begged me to forgive her at the end of my pregnancy, after everything, I did. Without hesitation.
I am strong because I made it through 18 hours of natural labor only to have my labor stall. I am strong because when a doctor told me I had to have a cesarean due to my lack of progress; I listened to my instincts and told him no. I had gone to my birthing classes, I knew my options.
I am strong because I knew I needed an epidural to relax, and was able to make the best decision for me and my baby. Two hours and forty-eight minutes later I had my beautiful healthy baby boy in my arms. He weighed a whopping 8 pounds even and measured 21.5 inches long.
I am strong because the days after his birth I struggled with extreme cracked nipples and bleeding making it difficult to breastfeed. Even with people pushing supplements on me I never gave up. I am proud to say, he has never had anything but my breast milk.
I am strong because my anxiety, depression and addictions haven’t been a part of my life in almost a year. I am strong because I know I am a good mother, and I am proud of who I am for the first time in a long time.

Photo Credit: Blessed Beginnings Photography
Thamk you for sharing your story. If I were your parents, I would be very proud if you. Stay strong!♡
You are strong, and you should be very proud of yourself. Congrats mama!
I may not know you, but I’m proud of you. Your strength amazes me.