Recommended Reading
Faith and Healing: A ‘Post Dates’ Home Birth After a Cesarean
I Did It! {HBAC}
HBAC with PROM, Fast Dilation, Long Pushing Stage {Previous Cesarean with Twins}
Supporting Women in VBACs {Vaginal Birth After Cesarean}
Birthday Celebration of a VBAC
Cesarean Birth Trauma and then VBAC {2 Stories}
Healing Home Waterbirth After Traumatic Cesarean and Miscarriage
Awesome Waterbirth {HBAC Birth Without Fear}
Loving My Body {One Scar at a Time}
New Hospital VBAC Story
Thank you!! Confirmation that I too can do this.
Wow this was so beautiful. I cried and cried watching it! I am currently 20 weeks setting out to have a VBAC. I haven’t decided home or hospital yet but this story was so encouraging for me. THANK YOU for Sharing it! ♡
Kelly T
This was absolutely beautiful! I wish my dr wasn’t such against VBAC. I’ve had to c-sections and can’t find anyone willing to let me VBAC. The first was an emergency induction. The 2nd I went into labor and started on my own but the dr wouldn’t let me VBAC. I would love to experience this healing birth like you had!
Kaci Godbehere
This is soooo amazing! I thank you so much for sharing this! I am preparing to have our third child after having been forced to have a c-section for the birth of my twins two years ago, and I am pursuing a homebirth for this baby!