This is Tammy’s story.
May 13, 2011 (Friday the 13th), I picked up my two children from school, (ages 7 and 4) and was a block away from my home when I was in a terrible accident.
I was rushed to the ER where they found I had a collapsed spine, and I underwent surgery. A few weeks later, I found out I was pregnant at the time of the accident. PREGNANT?? I thought I couldn’t be, as I had Mirena, but God had other plans. I was not far along- only about two weeks. So, they had done the emergency surgery without checking to see if I was pregnant.
I am strong because my entire pregnancy was a nightmare of pain. The surgery was unfortunately not a success, and I went through my entire pregnancy with a collapsing spine (as if our back doesn’t have enough pain with a normal pregnancy).
For seven of the nine months, I had to have trigger point injections into my spine to try and help with the pain. These injections are usually done under x-ray and take only a few minutes. Since I was pregnant they used a sonogram machine, which made the procedure last over an hour. I had to lay on my stomach each procedure and the pain was unbearable.
Doctors told me I would need to have a c-section because of how badly damaged my spine was, but I was determined to have a vaginal delivery as my others were.
My doctors also prescribed me Vicodin my entire pregnancy, but I refused to take it. Although the pain was unimaginable, my baby’s health was more important.
Finally on 2-21-2012, my perfect angel FINALLY arrived. I went into labor at 2am and was determined to have my vaginal delivery. After just one push my 6lb angel was in my arms. I felt EVERYTHING and when it was finally over, I had never had so much relief in my life. This picture shows that. Out of 3 pregnancies, this was the worst; not only was I in pain, but I vomited the whole 9 months. But he was still perfect.
When he was 8 weeks old I had a fusion done to my spine, and it’s been a tough road but we survived, and I couldn’t be happier.
You are strong and amazing! Good job mama, what a beautiful baby.
Devorah Leah
Oh mommy! I feel your pain, somewhat. With my first I was induced at over 10 days. I had such a hard time, at 30 weeks I threw my back out and a few days later pulled my entire rib cage. I couldn’t breath or move without horrific pain and I couldn’t get relief until the baby came out. The doctors told me I couldn’t heal until the baby was born, it was awful! I hope you heal well and continue to feel good!
Erica Dancy
Love to hear your story. When reading your story, I remember my first delivery which was the most terrific day in my life. Due to heavy bleeding, delivery had to done in one month earlier. Initially doctor said the it is possible to perform a C section surgery. But two days before the surgery, he told us that C section is not possible due to some reasons. I was little scared about vaginal birth but my husband gave enough courage to me. Two days later I had to admit in the labour room and everything had in completed in few hours. The doctor used vacuum cups but it caused some injuries to my dear. On the discharge day he told us that my baby is full healthy. But later, we realized that the severe trauma caused my son to be a cerebral palsy patient. Even though we had sued a case against the doctor with Campisi law Firm in Toronto, my son is still a patient.