My husband and I got pregnant right after we were married. I was told I would probably have a hard time conceiving because of ovarian problems so we decided to start early. I guess I didn’t have any problems after all.
A couple weeks after we found out I was pregnant my husband left for boot camp for the Army. The pregnancy started out well. I was shocked that I was having twins and had to tell my husband in a letter since he couldn’t talk on the phone.
When I was 6 months pregnant my husband started Advanced Individual Training and I decided to move from Oregon to Georgia to be closer to him and so he could be there when the twins were born.
When I was 28 weeks I went to the hospital for cramps and didn’t know I was in labor. They were able to stop it but I was so far along I needed to stay on bed rest at the hospital. At 30 weeks I went into labor again and this time they couldn’t stop it.
Since both babies were breech I had to have a c-section. Both girls were taken straight to the NICU and I had to wait a day to see them and then another few days to hold them. Both girls were 3 pounds. Besides being small they had no health issues. They stayed in the NICU for 7 weeks.
The whole thing was very traumatic and stressful but they are now healthy, beautiful two year old’s. They are my little miracles.