I received this email this week and took the time to slowly read it. To take it in. It’s these moments, experiences, and testimonies from all of you that keep me going. {January}
Dear Birth Without Fear,
I know you probably get a LOT of emails/messages/comments so I hope this finds you well! I have something I need to tell you…
Thank you.
From the bottom of my heart… Thank you so much for all that you do. I had my second child VBAC on 8/10/14 and I simply couldn’t have done it without you.
I read all I could stand from books and at 8 months pregnant when my baby was transverse I just didn’t think I could do it… I didn’t think that my body could handle giving birth the way I wanted to. I didn’t start believing that I was strong enough to VBAC my baby until I started reading your blog, seeing the beautiful affirmation cards, and all the wonderful pictures you share.
Thank you.
You gave me faith that my body would be ready in its own time.
You gave me strength to not let anyone bring me down with negativity about VBAC.
You gave me courage to stand up for myself and my baby.
You gave me desire to help and support others.
You gave me patience to learn to adjust life with a toddler and a newborn.
You gave me life reborn by birthing my VBAC baby.
Thank you.
I am attaching two pictures here that you have my permission to share. Of myself with my oldest son born by cesarean (9/28/12) and with my youngest born VBAC (8/10/14). The first time meeting the two loves of my life and my entire world.
It was the most surreal experience I will ever have in my entire life and I can not thank you enough for being the beacon for my journey.
Thank you. <3
{Brittany Carter)