My name is Krista Parrilla and I am the mother of two beautiful babies.
My birth story will, hopefully, bring positive light to hospital births. Although, my birth was not planned to be in a hospital, but at home, it turned out the way I planned.
I knew my midwife personally. I was her son’s manager at a retail chain; she was the doula at the birth of my daughter and was more than patient when teaching my husband about birth. We went through the regular prenatal visits at her house and she came to my house to tell me that she would not provide care for the birth of my son due to weird complications and physical stress from my job. However, wherever I chose to go, she would be there for me and be my doula.
I was 40w and 5d (it was a Wednesday) pregnant when I first went into labor with my son. I called my doula and grabbed my bag and went to the hospital. The doctor said I was barely effaced and was only 3cm dilated. They wanted to pop the bag and get things rolling. I told them that I was happy to wait. I went home to sleep and eat.
Thursday, my mother-in-law kept my daughter, while my husband and I snuggled, were intimate, and relaxed, because I knew my son would be here soon. We took a walk. Then I went to get a pedicure and have that massage chair do some work – it did wonders for my preggo back. I returned home to lit candles and fantastic 80s music. We laid in bed and snuggled. I slept very little because the contractions started getting closer together.
Friday, I was up at 7am – which never happens. It was time. My MIL had a bowl of oatmeal ready for me, my daughter gave me snuggles, and I paid some bills while my husband was taking a shower. At 8:15am everything picked up way too fast. The contractions were coming every two minutes and it was getting difficult to concentrate on anything else. I got into the bathtub to refocus on what needed to be done. I had my husband call the doula, take the bags down to the car, and then help me get dressed.
In the car, I headed to the hospital with no underwear/bra and didn’t care. My husband managed to catch every red light and every bump there. I wanted to kill him.
We got there and the entire atmosphere changed for the positive. They put those awful elastic straps on me to monitor the baby. I asked the doctor if I could get them off and sit in the tub. THEY PUT ME IN A ROOM WITH A TUB!!! Oh, it was wonderful. Dr. Lady told me I could. I waddled my way to the tub and my doula showed up and turned some incense on and my husband massaged my shoulders. The nurse brought me a Sprite. It was nice. My contractions were strong and steady.
The only issue with my birth was I started having a panic attack after each contraction. The contractions eased me from the panic attack. Nobody knew why it was happening. It sucked – until my water broke! Once my water broke, everything became euphoric. I was 100% relaxed. The oxytocin did its job and the birth high started. I looked at everyone and told them it was time to have this baby. I got out of the tub – the water had become cold and I pooped in there (heh, don’t care). They walked me to the bed and once I got on the bed – on hands and knees – it was over and time to push. I don’t know how long it took, but it felt fast. My husband caught our son. It was beautiful. I was empowered. I did it. And it was a natural birth, happy experience, doctors and nurses followed my birth plan, and made it about the family in a hospital.
Second Photo by Blue Silk Photography