All I wanted was to bring my first son into the world by a natural home birth. As the months turned into weeks, and then days, I was pumped. I was so sure I could do this.
When the rubber met the road and those first hard contractions came, I got scared. I really didn’t think I could continue on. My husband stepped in with such wonderful encouragement. When a contraction would start, he would rub my back and we would sing to our boy. I am by no means a singer but that was the only thing that truly helped me focus on him when the pain was getting intense.
We moved to the bath tub for pushing, a water-birth fail due to there being no hot water. My husband would pick me up as I pushed, then put me back down to rest in between. The urge to push would come and he would pick me up again and yell, “You can do this!”
I was getting tired and weak. I didn’t know how much longer I could go on. After an hour of pushing, our son came into the world! Daddy and I fell in love with our precious boy immediately! I couldn’t have done it without my amazing birth team.
This experience has really made me a confident woman and mother. I had to face fear, doubt and pain and keep on pushing. I had to be strong when I felt so weak and it changed me.
I disagree with those who think bringing a baby into this world is a joke and unimportant. Your birth story is important because it helps make you who you are. Every time you look into that face, you will remember. Every birthday celebrated, it will play over in your mind! Whether you had a good or bad experience, own your story. Because it was the very road that led you to your baby and led your baby into this world!
Submitted by Brittnie Capps