Cesarean Scar is a Daily Reminder of Power…

When I took this picture I did not realize the impact it would have on me. It is worth so many words. I wanted to share it, then didn’t, then do again. After my first cesarean birth someone said to me, “You will never know what it’s like to give birth to a baby” because I had a c-section. It really hurt and angered me, but I made two beautiful, perfect humans. I DID GIVE birth to them. Real birth. I have proof!!! Yes, I have a fresh new scar, but it’s not my first, it’s my second. It’s dark and not “pretty,” but it’s my daily reminder of how powerful my body really is. My squishy belly matches my squishy baby who apparently loves this beautiful scar. If I had to do it again (twice) I would.

cesarean, power, c-section

Submitted by Carolina. 

One Comment

  • Melissa

    I’m so sorry someone said that to you! How thoughtless. You are totally right, you did give birth to your children. What is with people?

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