OrganicBabyFood24.com is one of the top vendors of authentic, organic baby formula across Europe.
We obtain our formula from wholesalers that we have worked with since 2013. We deal directly with the wholesalers on a regular basis. As a result, we are immediately informed of any recalls or potential issues with the formula.
Normally, all orders are processed and shipped on the same or next business day. Shipping does take around 5-10 days (expedited shipping), but we also offer standard shipping which takes approximately 2-3 weeks.
But, best of all, we are cheaper than any seller in the United States or Canada. For instance, if you buy the Holle Formula Stage 1 Starter Kit (12 boxes), the cost is approximately $19/box, including shipping. And, if you buy the Holle Formula Stage 1 Big Kit (48 boxes), the cost is approximately $15/box, including shipping.
We have a large warehouse so we rarely run out of stock. In the majority of cases, we still have enough in-stock when there are temporary manufacturer supply chain issues.
With over 800 positive reviews, it is easy to see that we value our relationship with our customers.
We fulfill the Trusted Shops quality criteria and have been awarded the Trusted Shops trustmark. Compliance with the criteria is continuously audited by experts. The audit covers areas such as data protection, costs and payment, delivery terms, returns processing and customer service. You can protect your purchase up to an amount of EUR 2,500 against the loss of your payment in the event of non-delivery or after the return of the goods – regardless of the method of payment.
We make sure to pack all our parcels very carefully and include the “do not irradiate” label. We know that the package has a long way to go and want to make sure that it arrives in good condition. We also include free samples for our customers to try.
We believe in the importance of providing fast and comprehensive support. Our service team typically answers all e-mails within 24 hours.
We are conscious of the fact that we at Organic Baby Food 24 bear a very special responsibility – for the environment, our babies, and their future. From the beginning we had been compensating CO2 emissions and planted over 50 trees to save approx. 1.4 tons of CO2. We are also shipping 100% climate neutral with “DHL GoGreen”.
Organic Baby Food 24 is a trustworthy, reliable and more affordable vendor of Holle, HiPP, Aptamil and Lebenswert bio formula.
If you are always looking for the best prices on a product, then we are definitely the best options available for European formula.
Editor’s note: This is a sponsored post.
One Comment
Lebenswert Stage 1
Wonderful blog post specially for mothers. Some of the mothers cannot nurse their baby by their own breast milk. By the organic baby formula she can nurse her baby because it is very close to breast milk. Containing all minerals which mothers milk have. Waiting for your next blog post. Thank you!!