January and Brandon are back from hiatus to discuss none other than THE BIRTH WITHOUT FEAR BOOK!!! They discuss the entire process, from the initial email January received from a book agent, to the 41 page book proposal, to their trek across New York City with their book agent to meet with six editors, to the actual writing and editing…
Pre-Order The BIRTH WITHOUT FEAR Book Today!!!
In her first book, Birth Without Fear: The Judgement-Free Guide to Taking Charge of Your Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum (Hachette Books; March 5 2019), January Harshe, mom of six and founder of the Birth Without Fear website, delivers an inclusive, non-judgmental, and empowering guide to pregnancy, birth, and postpartum life. Each chapter provides you with the all the necessary information,…
Faith and Healing: A ‘Post Dates’ Home Birth After a Cesarean
(Editor’s note: this birth experience was originally posted on August 23, 2011.) To gain a little insight of why I had a C-section with my first born, I have it written down as a “vent” on my blog. It basically started out as one intervention cascading into a ball of interventions that led me to a transfer from a “Birth…
Choosing to Have a Happy Birth
“Come on baby, eviction notice has been posted!” At 42 weeks pregnant, I feared induction or possibly a C-section. I only wanted to give birth naturally, knowing Pitocin’s negative effects on the body and the instantaneous increase in likelihood of a C-section. I didn’t want to be near a hospital. I did everything to get the little one out, thinking…
Homebirth Filled with Patience and Love {Water Birth & Cord Burning}
On Friday, April 18th, your daddy, sister, and I were leaving the house for dinner. I had just stepped outside when I felt a small gush. I joked with your dad that maybe my water was leaking. We went about our evening and had a lovely dinner and then went for a short walk. As we got home that evening,…
Breech Homebirth {17 Days Past Due Date}
“At 38 weeks pregnant I hired independent midwives to help me have a physiological breech birth at home because the NHS were not supportive of my choices and wanted me to opt for a caesarean. Four weeks and 3 days later my beautiful baby daughter was born at home in record fast timing and it was the most natural and…
A Surprisingly Quick Natural Birth
My little Rainbow baby is finally here and, between the chaos of the first few weeks and our soon-to-be relocation to Florida, things have been a whirlwind around here. No less a whirlwind than his birth though! From the beginning I decided to make this my most natural birth to date. I decided on no epidural, Pitocin, induction, or anything…
A Story of Patience; 20 Years of Waiting, 44 weeks Gestation, an Unassisted Birth!
After three horrendous inductions that took three days apiece, I decided that this time it was going to be different, that my son (after five girls and 20 years of trying), as my last child, HAD to have a gentle birth and I NEEDED a positive birth experience. I got researching, spending hours and hours trawling the internet, reading chapters and chapters of…
AROM and OB’s First Vaginal Birth with a Prolapsed Cord!
I woke up on August 15th 2012, contracting. Nothing too strong or in a good pattern but I figured I would call my doctor since I was 36 weeks and five days (or so we thought). I called him and he told me that if my water broke or I had contractions every four minutes lasting one minute, for one…