Thoughts to ponder…
Having Fun with Kids, Strawberries and Chocolate for Breakfast
I am online again! I didn’t mind being offline a few days as we moved. I enjoy being ‘unplugged‘. It’s great to be able to blog again though! What better to start the week than with food? {Don’t worry, I’ll get back to birth soon.} This morning instead of cereal or waffles or eggs and bacon, this is what we…
Being in the Picture Challenge
I decided to take Huffington Posts challenge and be in the picture. I’m sick, tired, no make up and packing. Mini just got done eating frozen wild blueberries and has a scratch on his head {have no idea how it got there…his nickname is ‘the bull’ for a reason!}. But here we are together in some pictures and I love…
Believe It. Do It.
While we can’t control everything and speaking to the universe won’t give us all we want, how and what we think can help. Where your head is at when you are pregnant and in labor can have a huge effect on your labor and birth! And that goes both ways {negative and positive}. I highly recommend Hypnobirthing, even if you…
Love Life
I’m super busy this week as we are packing and moving in a few days (just to a new house around the corner). One of our blog authors just moved too! We’re getting out as much new content as we can, but know you understand that life just gets busy. 😉 Here is my 5 year old and I goofing…
Pure Delight…VBAC Mom and Baby
VBAC mom at her home birth of her healthy 8lb 6 oz boy! Image shared with permission from {mh} Birth Photography.
Cute {Maternity} Adoption Photos
I saw this on Pinterest and just had to click on it. What an adorable idea for a {maternity} adoption photo. She has a heart around Russia, where they are adopting from. Then, I saw the rest of the pictures and they just melted my heart. What a beautiful couple. You can see all their pics and follow their adoption…
Papa and Grandaughter; A Birth Photographer’s Reflecting Thoughts
These beautiful images and words were sent in by Carissa with Carissa Pierce Photography. “Having lost my dad before I was married and had children this birth picture I took yesterday is super special. Papa and grand-daughter. Evokes so much emotion….look at the eye contact, the flowing beard, the obvious size difference. This picture alone would be worth millions to…
A Birth Photographers First Home Birth Experience
“I wanted to share this series of images with you for several reasons. This was my first experience with any birth outside of a “typical” hospital setting. I must admit that I was terribly nervous about it! Not only was it an at home water birth, but it was only my 3rd birth to photograph. I thought I was more…