• Pregnant Body Art

    So gorgeous I had to share. I know I’ve been MIA lately, but Meagan sent this to me and I’m a sucker for ink and pregnancy, so combined it is stunning to me. She found it on Pinterest and we don’t know the source. Yes…stunning is the word…

  • Post Dates Birth at the Farm

    My Leap Day Birth Story at the Farm My daughter’s birth story begins right about where her brother’s leaves off, 2 1/2 years earlier.  His birth took me about a year to process.  If you’d asked me any earlier than that, I’d have told you that I loved everything about the experience (hospital birth with a CNM) and had no…

  • How the Webster Technique Can Help You Birth Without Fear

    For many women, pregnancy can be a very uncomfortable experience. First, there are the initial hormonal changes and morning sickness; the feeling of being on an emotional roller-coaster for no good reason whatsoever and the unusual food cravings at all hours of the day (such as early, early morning Jack-in-the-Box taco runs for those husbands keeping track). Next come the…

  • Best Breastfeeding Picture…EVER!

    Christina sent this into me and at first it didn’t look like her baby was nursing. Then I opened it. What followed was me sitting in my living room. Laughing hysterically. All by myself. This is truly the best breastfeeding picture I’ve ever seen. Nursing at the pier in San Francisco, Kara 22 months and Lex at 2 months. ‘Say…

  • Post Partum Depression…Please Don’t Judge

    Post Partum Depression…Please Don’t Judge By Heather Waddington This blog is hard to write. Even as I am typing this in Word I am debating on whether or not I will actually send it to be put on the web. I’m asking that you please make no assumptions as to the type of person/mother/wife I am, because I am writing…

  • Two Hour Accidental Unassisted Homebirth

    The birth story is a little unconventional, but it was an unconventional birth! *Note: I had been having contractions since 32 weeks. At 38 weeks, my midwife did a vaginal exam at my request, and found my cervix was low, soft, and anterior, and baby’s head was engaged at 0 to -1 station. I was 11 days over my EDD…

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