• Fun Breastfeeding Picture

    This was shared in our Birth Without Fear Support group tonight. It made me smile after a long day. I’d share it on FB, but it would be removed, so I will share it with you here (with mama’s permission). This is Linda’s son at 12 months and it just screams ADORABLE! Have your little ones put themselves into any…

  • The Mother Magazine Giveaway

    The Mother is an international natural parenting magazine that touches on fertility awareness, conscious conception, peaceful pregnancy, sacred birth, full term breastfeeding, natural immunity and attachment parenting. Over the past ten years, The Mother magazine has broken new ground in the developing holistic parent market: publishing cutting-edge articles written by passionate and experienced contributors, and read in over 40 countries…

  • Best Daddy Ever…of Triplets!

    This is the best daddy ever. We carried our triplets to 37 weeks 4 days. After 10 hours of labor, 7 cm and a prolapsed cord, I ended up under general anesthesia having an emergency c-section. He couldn’t be with me in the operating room, but he was there for our babies every moment. The kind nurse even let him…

  • Home Water Birth, Baby Born In the Caul

    There is something magical about bringing babies into the world. The whole process, from beginning to end, points to something greater than us. I can’t help but think of creation and the Creator. Man could not have thought this up but only a great God with a divine design. It’s amazing and humbling to me to think that I’ve been…

  • Women’s Rights to Choose Being Stripped Away

    Here’s the problem with this…it TAKES AWAY WOMEN’S CHOICES. Our right to birth where and how we choose is being stripped away from us…here and now. I have a HUGE problem with this. I actually birthed my first VBA2C baby in AZ, so I am all too familiar with the issue this causes. This leaves women to birth in unfriendly…

  • Planned Home Birth Gone Unassisted

    Early labor started around 8:30 AM, Tuesday, May 10th, 2011. Contractions were anywhere from 6-10 minutes, nothing unmanageable. This continued for an entire 24 hours into Wednesday, the 11th. Thankfully, I was able to sleep during the night through the contractions. I was going to really need this rest for later! It was getting pretty uncomfortable, and so I called…

  • Dad Makes it Home JUST in Time For the Birth of His Baby!

    This story is told and the pictures captured by Lizvette with Lizvette Wreath Photography. The birth story of baby Jacen brought happy tears to many people. I hope you enjoy it as well and share with the world this very happy ending. Ashleigh’s mom, Christy, contacted me via email last November. The idea of documenting the birth of Ashleigh’s first…

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