• Sojourn’s Birth Story

    We thank Rachel for returning to the BWF blog and sharing her third birth story with us. Her first birth story is here, and her second is here. One month ago, I was laying in bed with a tight round drum of a belly, snuggling a sweet Sparrow and her far-flung limbs. I was 41 weeks and 1 day pregnant, and…

  • Lane’s Birth Story

    Abbie tells us about the birth of her son, Lane. I figured I needed to write this all down before I forget the good detailed bits about Lane’s birth. There was so much beauty in it. I have fallen in love with being a mother and even more so with the process of becoming one. People always talk about the…

  • Dealing With Cesarean Scars

    Rebecca shares a beautiful reflection on her c-section scarring. I don’t actively go out of my way to look at my scar. I don’t hide its existence, but I just don’t fuss over it either. It is there, under a little flap on my tummy, hiding until I straighten myself out to peer at it in the mirror. I didn’t…

  • Dorian’s Birth Story

    Dominika shares the beautifully moving story of her son Dorian’s birth.  Dorian’s due date was on September 17th, so I decided to start my maternity leave a little earlier to give myself some downtime. My last day of work was on Friday, September 5th. Little did I know that Dorian would be taking his sweet time! The days passed, and…

  • My Birth Story: When Things Don’t Go As Planned

    Kyla shares with us the moving story of her daughter’s birth. My due date came and went. For eight days I experienced periods of contractions, which varied in length and intensity. They got my hopes up. Every. Single. Time. I went through hours of what I thought was labor, each time believing this must be it more than the last.…

  • A Positive Emergency Induction Story

    Natalie shares the story of her son’s induced birth. I’d been researching about babies and birth for as long as I can remember; so when my husband, Greg, and I found out we were pregnant, I was so excited to put what I had learned into practice. I hated reading stories about all the awful things that went along with pregnancy and I…

  • My VBAC Story

    Sherry-Ann shares her beautiful VBAC birth story. I always knew that I wanted to birth my kids the way nature intended – naturally. I had always said that if my mom was able to do it (and my mom has a very low pain tolerance), then I could, too. When I was pregnant with Joshua, I only had a Plan…

  • HBA2C: Fox’s Birth Story

    This powerful mama shares the story of her son’s birth at home.  After two c-sections, my husband and I had decided that we were done having children. My first child was born by emergency c-section at 33 weeks gestation, due to severe preeclampsia; and three years later, our second daughter was born via repeat c-section for “being breech,” which turned out to…

  • Surprise! It’s Twins!

    Lindi shares with us the story of the birth of her twins. Surprise! It’s twins. With my first child I was pushed into an induction. First child; I had no idea. I’m a go-with-the-flow gal when it comes to labor. I was told my baby was very big and if I waited I might not be able to have a…

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