• PKU Pregnancy {I Am Strong}

    {by Laura} For as long as I can remember I was was told I couldn’t have children, due to having phenylketonuria or PKU. This means my body cannot digest protein, allowing raw protein to go into my blood stream. I was told if I were to ever get pregnant I have a very large risk of having a miscarriage or…

  • Power, Love And Grace of a Peaceful Homebirth

    I would like to share my video of my homebirth of Dorothy, born in May of 2014, weighing in at 10lbs. 7 oz. I have overcome a lot of adversity with both of my pregnancies and deliveries.  With my first birth at home everyone I talked to about homebirth would trash the idea telling me, “You’re crazy!” they all said.…

  • Unassisted Homebirth of a Baby Girl

    Amanda Rogowski shares the story of her second daughter’s birth – a beautiful and empowering unassisted birth at home.  I decided to have an unassisted birth before I even had children. I have always believed in women’s abilities and intuition. I remember trying to tell my husband, Krzys, with our first pregnancy, and he thought I was insane. I couldn’t…

  • Emergency C-Section Picture {Husband Support in the OR}

    My second born son, Ryder, was brought into the world via emergency c-section due to low fluid and complications at 34 weeks gestational age- 6 weeks premature. I went in for a routine appointment and ultrasound around 9am the morning of October 5, 2011. He was not moving or responding to outside stimulation, his heart rate was dropping every few…

  • Teaching Strength {I Am Strong}

    I am strong because I got pregnant when my son was 10 months old. I am strong because it was after a miscarriage and I spent my entire first trimester in fear of losing this baby too. I am strong because I planned to birth at a birthing center. I am strong because after only 3.5 hours of labor I…

  • Margot’s Water Birth Story – {Part II}

    Well, this story takes off where Part I ended. In Part I, I recounted the story of my daughter Margot’s birth – an intervention-free natural water birth, which was far and wide the most profound and empowering experience of my life. I had an iron will and a driven outlook on a woman’s body’s capability to rise to the challenge…

  • The Story Of My Birth Without Fear

    To say I wasn’t the slightest bit afraid would be a lie. I had mentally prepared myself the past nine months to be brave and not doubt my strength or be afraid of what was to come.  But there was still this little itch deep in the back of my mind telling me I should be afraid, telling me I…

  • Margot’s Water Birth Story – Part I

    It feels appropriate to say that my daughter Margot’s birth story started two days before she was born. It was early February 2013, and I was officially 40 weeks + 1 day overdue, lying on the table in a doctor’s office, with my midwife telling me that no, sorry, the baby hasn’t dropped yet, so you’re still only 2cms dilated,…

  • I Am Strong – Cesarean Birth After Neonatal Loss

    *trigger warning* I am strong because in April of 2012, I gave birth to a precious baby girl named Evelyn, prematurely at 24 weeks due to incompetent cervix, premature labor, and infection. I am strong because I endured a frightening classical c-section 4 hours after entering the hospital with a smile on my face, knowing it was the best chance…

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