• The Healing Home Birth of Baby Lucas

    The birth of my first son was in a hospital. I like to say nothing traumatic happened to me to make me question the way I gave birth and to seek out other options, better options, but I feel now that I was in denial. I cried for weeks after his birth feeling guilty for some of the decisions made…

  • Jyn’s 8th Baby {Hospital Waterbirth}

    I have been pregnant every year since 1998 with the exception of 2004. We lost 2 in that time, but I have effectively been either pregnant and/or nursing for the past 14 years. Just because you have been pregnant and have birthed a lot does not mean the next one will be easier. Your body doesn’t stay stretched out. You…

  • A Mother Will Overcome {I Am Strong}

    A short and sweet story of a teenage mother, or just a mother, this is Jada’s story: I am strong because I found out I was pregnant at 17, two months into a relationship, and decided then to keep the baby. I am strong because I decided to end the relationship, because I wasn’t happy anymore. I am strong because…

  • Healing Hospital VBAC Picture

    I just recently had my daughter (almost 3 weeks ago) and I’ve had several ladies tell me I should share this photo from my birth… so here it is! We had a beautiful, wonderful, healing VBAC in a hospital and this picture says everything. The support that I had from my doctor, my nurses, my doula, my husband, and even…

  • 10 Tips to Plan a Mother’s Blessing

    A Blessingway is a sacred pre-birth ceremony that has traditionally been performed by Navajo people, and celebrates a woman’s rite of passage into motherhood. Today, a gathering known as a ‘Mother Blessing’ is gaining popularity in North America. Unlike a traditional baby shower where the focus is on gifts, a Mother Blessing puts the focus back on nurturing the woman. A…

  • My Belly, My Baby {Self Love}

    This is a picture of my 15 month old and my belly. It has been well over a year, and I have slowly and peacefully accepted that my belly is going to be floppy and riddled with stretch marks for a very long time. She has helped me accept my body.  When she nurses, she often caresses my soft, pillowy…

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