• River Violet’s Birth Story: HBA2C

    For the past nine months Raul and I have been preparing for a HBA2C (home birth after 2 c-sections). We read all the books (Ina May was my favourite), watched all the documentaries and took a Bradley class to educate ourselves on the process. We were well versed in the “mechanics” of labour, but there was a mental/emotional component that…

  • Ianto’s life story {born still, but still born}

    Thank you to Tenielle and Scott for allowing us to share Ianto’s life story and the precious memories you have of him.  TRIGGER WARNING: This is a story of loss and stillbirth, with pictures. In February 2010, my world collapsed around me as I found out my baby, nicknamed “Smudge”, had died inside me at 32 weeks gestation. This is…

  • This is Breastfeeding

    Lilla Ban sent me this picture to share. I was taken back when I saw it. Not just because it’s gorgeous…a sweet baby, the lighting and breastfeeding, but because it perfectly captures those first few weeks of nursing. The boppy pillow, working on the latch, the way mom is holding her breast and the milk dripping down. Yes, this is…

  • ‘More Faith, Less Fear’: An Unassisted HBAC

    Lisa M. shares the story of her daughter Freya’s free birth. “This is a story of a beautiful birth – the birth of my gorgeous daughter Freya. Her birth had been planned for a long time… Pretty much since the day her older brother and I left the hospital after his very traumatic VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) birth, two…

  • A BWF Admin’s Hospital Induction and NICU Story

    Really I had a great pregnancy. Nothing went wrong. I really couldn’t have gotten any luckier. We were ready for a baby and we got pregnant without trying. Something just told me I needed to take a pregnancy test. I wasn’t really having any pregnancy symptoms. My period was always irregular. It came about the same time of the month,…

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