• Cosleeping and Bed Sharing Families

    I recently wrote this post regarding the shocking, misinformed, uneducated ad with a the baby sleeping with a knife. I asked the BWF Community if they had any cosleeping pictures they would be generous enough to share for that post. 190 emails later and a new Gmail folder made, I had plenty! I shared a few in the post and…

  • 10 Tips for Parenting Beyond the Only Child

    Catherine Bell was generous for putting together a helpful guest blog post about how to prepare for siblings for the BWF Blog. Having 5 children in 7 years, I know what a struggle it can be to prepare and adjust! Thank you Catherine for showing women there are things they can do to help with this transition! ~Mrs. BWF When…

  • Choose Compassion and Love

    I have been humbled since participating in social media. I’m sure I’ve offended people, whether intended or not. I used to have no problem expressing my opinion on hot topics like CIO (crying it out), spanking, circumcision, vaccines, and of course birth (mostly before BWF). Then something happened. I noticed how some people will go further than expressing their opinion…

  • You Are Not Alone…Parenting is Wild!

    Many times, when dealing with annoying, hard, ridiculous days (or kids), parents think it’s just them. They may get embarrassed or frustrated because they feel they are the only ones going through this… or this… or even goodness forbid this… It makes you want to do this (hey, if they can do it, why can’t we?)… You are not the…

  • 5 Blog Posts Worth Reading/Watching

    I love reading really great blog posts and watching tear jerker and/or funny videos. Those that lift me up or share something I can think on. Here are a few of my favorites from this week. The Quiet Theory of Influence from Zen Habits Your Health Decision: Take It On The Chin or Instant Gratification by The Atlas of Life…

  • What is Important?

    We’ve all heard it and said it…’it goes too fast’. Also, ‘life is too short’. Do we act on those statements though? Do we realize the impact and consequences of what we decide is important today? Our family has grown in size very rapidly and I have found myself missing the laid back mama I once was (just a few…

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