• Hello Aunt Flo {And Toxins?}

    Lets talk about PERIODS. Cycles. The Curse. Aunt Flo. Your Monthly Visitor. You know…that thing. The thing you were most likely taught to hide at all costs and were so afraid to be shamed about, be it from a stain on your pants to an “odor”, to hell…just being a woman. Now readers – this is going to get personal.…

  • D-MER {No, You Are Not Crazy}

    We all hear about the joys of breastfeeding. The bonding, the flow of love hormones, and the feeling of accomplishment that often comes to mothers upon reaching goals. Breastfeeding can be tough the first weeks of your baby’s life (or longer), but after that it is smooth sailing right? This promise of positive emotional connections to breastfeeding is true for…

  • This is Breastfeeding

    Lilla Ban sent me this picture to share. I was taken back when I saw it. Not just because it’s gorgeous…a sweet baby, the lighting and breastfeeding, but because it perfectly captures those first few weeks of nursing. The boppy pillow, working on the latch, the way mom is holding her breast and the milk dripping down. Yes, this is…

  • Intuition of the Modern Woman {Motherhood}

    “Oftentimes I felt ridiculous giving my seal of approval to what was in reality such a natural thing to do, sort of like reinventing the wheel and extolling its virtues. Had parents’ intuition sunk so low that some strange man had to tell modern women that it was okay to sleep with their babies?” Dr. William Sears Thank you to…

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