Katherine sent in this picture that Lynsey Stone caught of her children reacting to seeing the placenta (bottom right). So funny.
Awesome Video Shows 3rd Stage of Labor and Post Birth at Home
What happens after a baby is born at home? Betsy sent me her video put together by One Tree Photography to show what it is like after baby is born at home. She says… “This film is of the birth of my third baby. She was born in June. My first birth was a hospital birth in which I narrowly…
Birth Picture of Baby with Cord Still Attached
It goes overlooked (or is not discussed) that there is another stage of labor/birth. Once baby is born, and all fingers and toes are counted, the placenta still needs to be birthed. Here is a picture of that time between the birth of the baby and the birth of the placenta, which is also referred to as the 3rd stage…