The birth of my second child was shared on your blog several years ago: Long Labor Ends with Beautiful HBAC. With my home birth I really wanted to inspire other women. I wanted to show them that they are capable of having the birth that they want. This time around, I think it’s important to share that sometimes the birth…
Faith and Healing: A ‘Post Dates’ Home Birth After a Cesarean
(Editor’s note: this birth experience was originally posted on August 23, 2011.) To gain a little insight of why I had a C-section with my first born, I have it written down as a “vent” on my blog. It basically started out as one intervention cascading into a ball of interventions that led me to a transfer from a “Birth…
2 Videos of Twins and Triplets Born Naturally!
When parents find out they are expecting twins, I can imagine the shock and joy that is experienced! After the initial emotions calm down, the questions begin. One of them may be, “Do twins mean automatic c-section?” The answer is simply, “No.” Here are some videos to show you that it can and is done. Inspiring to say the least!…
Two Mamas, Don’t Forget Dads, and Pooping Without Fear
In case you missed Birth Without Fear on Instagram this past week… What a gorgeous belly and henna! Did you do this? Tag #birthwithoutfear in your photos! _ Also, we recently opened a #findyourvillage in Calgary (sold out), Ottawa, Indianapolis, and Stillwater Oklahoma! This weekend is D.C. and New Jersey! All have limited space.
_ As well as three…
The Birth of Robinson Blake Sylvester: Part I
Kara shares with us the powerful story of her son’s birth. In October 2015, we found out we were expecting our fourth little miracle. It was a definite surprise to us, coming sooner than we had planned. There was no trying, or medications, or hoping month after month like the last time. It was definitely not our timing at work, but…
Elena and Tobias Come Home: A Twin Birth Story
Jennifer McLennan shares with us the beautiful story of her twins’ birth in 2015. As I sit down to finally write into words the story of my twins’ birth, I am watching them sleep in their bed from my desk. They are about to turn one. They are strong and healthy and not a day goes by that I don’t…
Caroline’s Birth Story
Jesse got home from work at around 5:15 p.m. I was feeling incredibly tired, so I asked if I could go lie down. He agreed to feed and get the girls to bed. I fell asleep at around 6 o’clock. I woke up at 10:30 feeling much better, and joined him in the living room. At about 10:45, I felt a strong contraction. Not anything…
Postpartum After Miscarriage
A couple of months ago, a picture of the “real side of postpartum” went viral. It was a picture taken by a dad, of the backside of his wife wearing postpartum mesh underwear. Yes, that is a very real side of postpartum fourth trimester life. But that is also a very real side of life after a loss. I’m certainly not…
33 Things You ALWAYS Want to Say to (or Do for) a Pregnant Woman
There are plenty of things you never want to say to a pregnant mama (not unless you want to risk a throat punch). However, what about things you DO want to say to a pregnant mama? Here is a list of safe comments you are allowed to make to a pregnant mama. Please read carefully. 1.) “You’re glowing!” 2.) “I’m…