• Riding the Waves – The Birth Story of Hailey Faith Part 1

    *It will be helpful to know that Amelia was born via unplanned c-section 22 months before I had Hailey. Amelia’s birth was traumatic to me for many reasons including copious unnecessary medical interventions and complications with anesthesia during my surgery. Hailey’s birth was a planned VBAC, vaginal birth after c-section. I woke up at 3:30am, nine days past my due…

  • Willamena’s Birth

    Adoptive mother Davney Nowak shares the birth story of her first biological daughter – an inspiring natural childbirth at a birth center.  I married my high school sweetheart. Every life choice we made was made with our future children in mind. We got married at 22, and immediately started to try to start our family. I had always been birth- and baby-obsessed. I…

  • Peaceful Birth in the Alaskan Mountains

    Rebecca M. writes, “I wanted to share my story, because your blog is what initially inspired me to give birth my way. I had my first little girl very young, in a hospital, medicated and hooked up to all kinds of equipment. IV in place, monitor on my belly, completely uncomfortable and unable to enjoy the labor and delivery experience.…

  • The Birth Story {PART 2}

    {Read Part 1 Here} We headed for home anxious, excited, tired, and hungry. Because it was 10:30 now and we still had not eaten, we decided to stop at Sonic. Although it wasn’t the healthiest course of action, it was right off the interstate. We live in the country, it was honestly the last option before the boonies. I distinctly…

  • Living Your Birth Story {PART 1}

    Like all other births, this story begins far before the actual birth day. Closing on our first year of marriage, a difficult first year, Eli and I found out we were pregnant on the Sunday before our anniversary, amidst an argument and a move from one crappy duplex to another slightly less crappy duplex. Eli’s first child and my second,…

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