• The Stories of My {Three} Children’s Births

    I am strong because at 28 weeks I kept going into preterm labor, but managed to keep my baby in until 38 weeks. I am strong because I wanted a completely natural delivery without medications or any intervention from doctors, nurses, etc. (especially a C-section)! I am strong because I went into labor on September 14, 2007 and my doctor…

  • I Am Strong {OverComing Judgment}

    I am strong. I am strong because after 32 weeks of the most beautiful and fulfilling pregnancy a girl could dream, I developed a severe headache that I attributed to annual allergies and headed to work as I had done for the last 6 months. I am strong because at 32 weeks and 1 day ,I woke up in a…

  • Overcoming Infertility {I Am Strong}

    I am strong because I experienced things as a child and teenager than no one should ever go through. It took many years for me to be able to forgive those that hurt me. I am strong because I left for the Peace Corps right after college where I met the most amazing man that completes me. Ironically we were…

  • The Hospital Induction Birth of Ida Mae

    This is terribly long and I could have gone on and on… Todd and I went to an appointment with my midwife August 14th. I was 40 weeks and six days pregnant, so basically a week overdue. Our midwife had us do a non-stress test where they monitor the baby’s heart rate for 20 minutes. They like to see that…

  • A Birth Story of an {Emergency} C-Section

    Thursday August 29th started out like any other ordinary day. I woke up around 9am and did my usual morning routine, did some laundry, got gas and washed my car with one of my girlfriends and also went out for ice cream. I made Chris a nice dinner (which please don’t think I’m super wife because I am not. Haha).…

  • Natural Hospital Birth {Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome}

    This is the birth story of my son Sawyer Emerson Karli. It is a story about standing up for myself, even when, especially when, things don’t go exactly as planned.  My husband and I had talked about wanting to have children early in our relationship.  It was something we both really wanted and I wasn’t sure with my Polycystic Ovarian…

  • A Natural Hospital Water Birth

    My story really begins from 36 weeks pregnant. This is when the “challenges” began! Up until this time, everything had been going smoothly, and I was feeling fantastic. Then, at my 36 week appointment with my OB, she informed me that a blood test she’d gotten me to do previously had come back showing I had cholestasis (where the liver…

  • Cesarean Birth Trauma and then VBAC {2 Stories}

    My first birth C-section and disrespect. I never doubted my body’s ability to give birth. I guess that is why I didn’t think I needed to research my birth options. My mother gave birth vaginally, her mother, my other grandmother had 10 children vaginally, all the way back to my great great grandmother who had six sets of twins vaginally…

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