My little Rainbow baby is finally here and, between the chaos of the first few weeks and our soon-to-be relocation to Florida, things have been a whirlwind around here. No less a whirlwind than his birth though! From the beginning I decided to make this my most natural birth to date. I decided on no epidural, Pitocin, induction, or anything…
Fast VBAC after Cesaren due to ‘Big Baby’
“This is the VBAC of a beautiful little girl. Mama’s first birth was 38 hours long and ended in a c-section because after pushing for 2 hours, they told her the baby wouldn’t fit. This little VBAC baby was born after a total 3 hour labor, with only 30 minutes of pushing. (Her water broke at 6:30am, labor started right…
Siblings Cosleeping and Bed Sharing {Part 1: Safety and Advantages}
We are huge fans of safe cosleeping here! It’s been done since the beginning of time and is normal and natural in most cultures. “When my grandma was little she & her siblings & children that passed thru their home use to sleep in dresser drawers, hope chests & under their parents bed. That sounds scary & unsafe to most…
Young Mother Becomes Informed & Chooses Natural Water Birth
I was seventeen years old when I found out I was pregnant. My plan was to have a medicated birth at a hospital. My boyfriend, Drew’s older sister’s, had natural births themselves. They showed me the Infinity Birthing Center and they opened my eyes to so many options. The midwives and staff there educated me on everything that I was very ignorant…
Rainbow Baby After Loss of Twins…Special Moments Captured
Victoria with Canary Lane Photography recently photographed this birth of fellow birth photographer, Robin Baker. She has 3 boys and still-birthed twin boys last year. She gave birth to Hannah on the exact same day she lost the twins a year ago. Can not find the words, so here are the pictures…
Don’t Argue About Our Differences…Celebrate Them!
We don’t judge how you birth. We care that you are respected and supported. We don’t get worked up over how you parent the small things. Each family is unique and we love that. Who cares if you have an elf in your house reporting back to Santa (ours is named Didi and we love her). Or for that matter if…
After 5 Weeks Bedrest, Baby is Born After Nurse’s Intuition
“I spent 5 long pregnant weeks in my local hospital bleeding until I hit 35weeks and 6 days. I was supposed to go home for the weekend, but a nurse refused to let me, because she had a bad feeling. Sure enough at 7.32 am the doctors had me signing forms and calling my parents and at 9.52am my daughter was…
Oops…A Fast and Unplanned Unassisted Birth of 2nd Child
The birth of my daughter started at 11 am on a Monday morning. I was laying in bed as my 18 month old son played on the floor next to me. When I got out of bed I noticed that my water had broken. In my excitement I had asked my husband to hurry home. With my last child I had went…
I Have Socks On! {An Unplanned Unassisted Birth}
Amos’s Birth Story My due date with our second child was April 24. I was hoping to get pretty close or past that date, and was especially hoping to still be pregnant by April 21, which was “Mom’s Night” at my daughter Lillian’s preschool, where all the moms come to see activities and special songs the kids have been preparing…