The birth of our third baby has been so healing, in ways that words cannot fully describe. The heartache and pain of our losses, of our preemie experience and of the surgery that brought our premie into the world has been with me daily. Since delivering our third baby, those pains and the distress they brought have gone. This birth…
Compassionate Elective Cesarean Birth {Photographer’s Point of View}
A story as told by the birth photographer, Angela This is Jessica’s story, but also in some strange way, it became mine as well because I can honestly say it changed my views. As I type this, I’m assuming Jessica is cuddling her sweet baby boy – who she brought home a little over a week ago. Jessica decided to…
Breech Birth Story {Cesarean After Unexpected Breech Presentation}
My first pregnancy was normal and uneventful until I had a partial placental abruption at 27 weeks. The partial abruption had no adverse effects on my pregnancy but to scare me half to death. At an ultrasound preformed at 29 weeks to check on my son and the placenta we found that my son was still breech. This really worried…
Breech Cesarean Birth {After Spontaneous Labour}
We knew at 34 weeks that Parker was frank breech. Every one kept saying she’d turn. I tried spinning babies exercises to turn her; every thing. I was desperate to have VB, so I agreed to the versions. Her butt was just stuck. It was so painful. The doctor moved her head from side to side, but she would never…
Birth Attended by Peggy Vincent – Home Birth of Megan
The Birth of Megan I wrote this 25 years ago, I have revised it some but these are my words of that very special day. The day of your birth was a warm Indian Summer day, October 3rd. Somehow I felt within me that you would be born that day…. I awoke feeling contractions, yet thought that this was just…
Together as a Family, Part II
This is the second in a five-part series about loss and healing, a story shared by Shannon from Brisbane, AU. Yesterday, she shared about her first two miscarriages. Today she writes about coping through them, and her next. Check back tomorrow to hear how she worked through the fears that arose when she conceived – and found spotting – again. “One…
A Natural Hospital Waterbirth {Delayed Cord Clamping, With Pictures}
[Thank you Jessica Douglas-Monks for sharing your story and beautiful pictures with us!] I had been having pre-labour pains and contractions since 37 weeks, so by the time Arya’s due date rolled around, I was well and truly ready to have her. On the Monday morning I was having some sharp pelvic pain and some semi-consistent contractions so I went in…
Birth Photostory | Rebecca Colefax Photography
“This beautiful family of 5 just became a family of 6! Labour was very fast and extremely powerful – but mummy was strong, empowered and courageous. A wonderful inspiration to her daughter who was present throughout and was the best little birthing assistant I’ve ever seen. This birth was an amazing experience for me as a photographer for this was…
My Story of PPD {Post Partum Depression}
I am writing this from a very dark place in my life right now. I am hoping that by getting my story out there for people to hear, they might recognize post postpartum depression in themselves and get the help they need. ALL the help they need. -Amanda I have two beautiful children. My oldest, Evelyn, was born 2 years…