• My CBAVBAC – Cesarean Birth After VBAC

    The birth of my second child was shared on your blog several years ago: Long Labor Ends with Beautiful HBAC. With my home birth I really wanted to inspire other women. I wanted to show them that they are capable of having the birth that they want. This time around, I think it’s important to share that sometimes the birth…

  • Selah’s Birth Story

    Autumn shares with us the birth story of her fifth child. “Honey, we are pregnant!” And just like that, baby number five was on the way. Actually, it had taken over a year of trying after number four, but once that test showed positive, I was ecstatic. I’m sort of a pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding junkie, and we always wanted…

  • A Home Birth Story

    Robin shares the story of her daughter’s birth at home. Baby H’s birth story really starts with the birth of her older brother two years earlier. I had a very fast labor with him; and by the time I realized I was actually in labor, I barely made it to the hospital before he arrived. Despite him being born about…

  • Hypnobirthing: A Drug-Free Birth Story

    Eva tells us about the drug-free birth of her first child. At the advice of some friends, I prepared for my first baby by I taking Hypnobirthing classes and listening to the Rainbow Relaxation track daily. I did yoga weekly, had an affirmations wall, drank raspberry leaf tea in the third trimester, and ate dates. I hired a great and…

  • A Long-Awaited Natural Birth: My VBA2C

    Michaela shares with us the story of her son’s birth.  My husband and I had our first child in 2006, when we were 18 and 17 years old respectively. I had a healthy pregnancy with no complications, but my doctor suspected fetal macrosomia and said that I wasn’t progressing at 37 weeks, and subsequently insisted I have a c-section because…

  • The Freebirth of Poppy

    Kerry shares with us the incredible story of her daughter’s freebirth at home.  This was my first unassisted pregnancy and planned unassisted birth, after two beautiful midwife- assisted home births. At around 37 weeks I began experiencing intense exhaustion; I couldn’t rest enough. All I wanted to do was sleep, and I felt extremely fatigued. Fast-forward to 38 weeks, and…

  • A Restorative Water Birth

    Blythe shares with us the story of the birth of her fifth child.  I had my fifth baby 16 months ago – I had an induced birth at 39 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I wanted so badly to have a water birth. I fell in love with birthing in water back in 2008 when I was pregnant with my…

  • My Final Birth Story

    Jessica shares the story of her third son’s birth at home.  I wanted to write about the birth of Mattis, our third baby boy, but I quickly realized in order to get to the point of my husband and me deciding to have a home birth, it would take a little back ground info; well, actually, a lot. This maybe…

  • Veda’s Birth Story

    Liz shares the story of her third child’s birth at home.  Birth. There is so much packed into those five letters. Something that, no matter how hard you try, is so hard to give the words its beckons to describe it, because not one is the same. It is a cross between two literal worlds, which are uniquely intertwined, relying…

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