I am strong because I survived nine months with Hyperemesis Gravidarum, which causes severe nausea, vomiting, and dehydration. I found out I was pregnant back in December of 2013. We were in the middle of moving into our new home, and I had the sudden urge to throw up my lunch. I brushed it off telling my husband it was…
Birth Rights, Hyperemesis Gravidarum and More. {Guest Post by Jess Kroger}
When you think of birth (in most cases, especially first time moms) the first thing that comes to mind isn’t that you have options – it’s that you’ll do what the doctor says to do and when they say to do it because they know best. For most women, this is fine, but then you get the group of mamas…
A Rainbow Baby Born to a Hyperemsis Gravidarum Survivor
My birth story starts almost 6 years ago. My husband (we were dating at the time) found out we were expecting a bundle of joy. He asked me to be his forever on Christmas Day. We were married on February 22, 2008. I was 18 weeks with our precious gift, which we found out the same day we were married…