My water broke at 10pm on Saturday night. It was a distinct popping sensation, followed by a gush of fluid that left me in no doubt about what had just happened. It was the night before my due date, and one way or another, my third son would be earthside soon. Now, maybe I should back up to clarify that…
Birthday Celebration of a VBAC
So last night, I get this email from the beautiful Mae Burke, “Tomorrow is my friend, Chelsea’s, baby girl’s birthday. Her first was an unneccesarian, and the second was an HBAC. January, every single day she got on BWF, scowering the pages for info.” So I of course click on the links she sent me and literally got goosebumps from…
Birth Announcement: HBAC, Pushed 6 Hours!
Julie sent in the following announcement. Just lovely. “I had my HBAC on 13 December and gave birth to our son, Kanoa Wolf, in the loving familiarity of our own home. it was not an easy birth as I pushed for 6 hours! but i did it; my midwives were ANGELIC, my husband was a rock, and my baby stayed…
HBA4C: Homebirth After Four Cesareans!
*Having a home birth after multiple cesarean sections is not always safe. Please speak with your care providers for more information and support and to see if you are a good candidate for home birth, or vaginal birth in a hospital. VBAC’s are wonderful and can be done, but each woman, pregnancy and birth is different. ~Mrs. BWF Here’s my…
HBAC: Home Birth After Cesarean
I recently posted about breech births being another variation of normal and shared breech birth stories. My focus the next few weeks will be VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). I am a VBA2C mama myself and do not believe ‘once a c-section, always a c-section’. Every pregnancy and birth are different and our bodies are designed to birth. Most of…
Home Birth After 3 Cesareans (HBA3C)
When I asked for breastfeeding pictures, this one that caught my attention. Not because of the picture, but the story that goes with it. “This is Joshua Christian 20 min after he was born and the first time he nursed. He was my first HBA3C. My prior c-sections were just because I was scared into them due to big babies.…