To start this story, I guess I have to go back to where it really started – which was with the birth of my first son, Kai. Kai was born on the 4th of June 2009 via emergency Cesarean after my water broke spontaneously at home on the morning of the 2nd. I was totally naive about birth – which is ridiculous,…
A Valentine’s Day Unplanned Unassisted Homebirth
I was due Valentine’s Day but I never expected to go into labor that day. It’s an estimate – not an eviction date. My other 2 pregnancies had gone into the 41st week, and I fully expected this one would too. I felt great! I even wrote to a friend the day before “I could go another month!”. So when…
The Birth Story of Finley Nathaniel {Planned Homebirth, Unplanned Unassisted}
I never imagined I would have an unbelievable birth story to share. I prayed for an easy, fast birth – who doesn’t! – but didn’t really think it was something my body could do. On Wednesday January 16th, I began feeling different enough to tell Michael that a baby would be here by Friday. Nothing painful or distracting, but I…
Supporting Women in All Birthing Choices
It has taken me about a year and a half of blogging to get to a place that I feel I am really doing this and that others see it too. I’ve always had this vision…to passionately share my views about childbirth and inform woman they have choices in how they birth, but not alienate anyone. You have a few…
Midwife’s Own Planned Unassisted Homebirth!
I believe that every pregnancy and birth teaches us something as women that transforms us into the mothers that our children need us to be. My entire experience of “Sunshine’s” pregnancy and birth was one of learning to trust in my body, my instincts, and my relationship with my husband. My hubby (B) and I were really enjoying parenting our…
A Healing Home Birth
I had a traumatic hospital birth with my son Isaac, so before I even got pregnant again, my husband Chad and I had decided we wanted a home birth for our next child. Miriam’s birth was amazing and perfect. I could not have asked for a better experience and feel so blessed to have had the birth I did. What…
The Conscious Birth of Madison Rose – Intervention-Free Home Water Birth
My husband Rich wrote up Madison’s birth story within a week or two of her being born. Reading it 5 months later brought tears to my eyes. I’m so grateful that he took the time to write this up because all the details I thought were lost are captured in his story. It’s incredible how in tune he was with me, the…
The Long Journey Home: An HBA2C Story, {Part V}
Yesterday, we shared the fourth part of Rose Homme’s HBA2C story. In this five-part series, she shares her journey to home birth: the emotional ups and downs, the pain of her first births, and how believing in herself and her body guided her through. Here, you can read (and watch) the HBA2C birth story of her daughter, Penelope! “I woke and…
Quick Home Water Birth
We had my 37 week appointment on Thursday, November 3rd. I asked my midwife (Misti) to check me and I was at 3 cm. I wasn’t really quite tired of being pregnant yet like I was with Alyss (my 3 year old), I was tired of peeing ALL THE TIME, but that was about it. I had been taking Evening…