• Labor in the Shower, Babywearing, & Anxiety is a Liar

    In case you missed our Instagram this past week… Oh my goodness, this moment is everything! Mama emotions, her baby on his way to her chest, her best friend (behind) and her husband (to the right) celebrating. Wow. ❤ Incredible moment captured by @zuralagardebirth. _ P.S. if you didn’t see: @findyourvillage Calgary, Ottawa, Indianapolis, New Jersey, and Stillwater Oklahoma are…

  • Harry Potter, Zumba, & a Home Water Birth

    In December, I got to shoot my very first birth session. Let me start by saying—nothing in the world can prepare you for something like that! The birth was set up to be an at-home, water birth. And, boy, I did my research. I read articles on what to expect when birthing at home, the process of having a water…

  • Born En Caul, Majestic Spirit, & Family Before Everything

    In case you missed last week on our Instagram… “There is a majestic spirit that every mother has within & with that spirit comes the power to accomplish the impossible. Here’s to all of the mothers that make magic happen on a daily basis.” Photographer: @KELBPICS _ Model: @ashleymolinaa Wearing @terrytoccidesigns Styled by @theartistknownasvoodoo Hair by @alterimagebydonna MUA: @thenakirashow #birthwithoutfear A…

  • An Unplanned, Unassisted Home VBAC

    My birth story begins three years ago when at 35 weeks pregnant we discovered, much to our surprise, our baby girl was in a frank breech position. Following a consult with maternal-fetal-medicine (MFM), we ultimately decided against moving forward with an external cephalic version (ECV) and instead opted to wait and see if she would turn on her own. Unfortunately,…

  • Resting & Soaking in Brand New Baby Cleo

    Cleo’s birth story begins in the middle of a February heatwave. My husband and I had escaped our 3 children (then aged 7, 4, and 2) for a rare date night, and during dinner he leans over the table and with a cheeky grin says “So, should we have another baby?” I laugh, because we both know that the answer…

  • Selah’s Birth Story

    Autumn shares with us the birth story of her fifth child. “Honey, we are pregnant!” And just like that, baby number five was on the way. Actually, it had taken over a year of trying after number four, but once that test showed positive, I was ecstatic. I’m sort of a pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding junkie, and we always wanted…

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